Page 26 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 26

Are you ready to care?

       We are compassionate, aspirational, responsive and excellent.

       That’s us all over. How about you?
       From pulling pints to patient care

       Born and bred in Thanet, 23-year-   roles at a new stroke rehabilitation
       old Saffery is now part of the ward   centre. I went to the open day, where I
       therapy team at the new Westbrook   was interviewed and offered the job. I
       House Stroke Rehabilitation Centre    worked with a physiotherapist and an
       in Margate.                         occupational therapist during training
        Saffery had studied health and     to understand every aspect of therapy.
       social care to BTec level and had some   “All of us help the patients with their
       experience of private care work during   therapy goals, so it’s important we feel
       Covid, but in 2022 was pulling pints in   confident to support the plans drawn
       local pubs.                         up by the senior clinicians. It also means
        Saffery said: “There was a lack of job   patients don’t ‘sit around’ all day and wait
       security in bar work, but also a lack of   for therapy, it’s built into their routine.
       passion from me. I felt I needed to re-  “I really get to know my patients well
       evaluate my life and my career.     and enjoy the professional responsibility.
        “In January, a friend told me about   “I’m proud of my job.”

       ‘It’s good to be home’ New roles for caring clinicians

       Alex Lane, 45, from Lympne, was working    Stuart Watts and Lisa Ralf are part of a new wave of clinicians providing specialist
       as one of our healthcare assistants three   nursing care in east Kent.
       years ago, when he made the decision to   Lisa, a specialist diabetes nurses for Thanet and south Kent coast, is transforming
       head back to university and pursue his   how we work with patients living with diabetes in the community, providing annual
       dream of a nursing degree.          treatment reviews for complex patients, prescribing and deprescribing and training
         “After I graduated in 2022, I worked   care home staff.
       at the Royal London in Whitechapel as   Stuart specialises in end-of-life care in Thanet. He has pioneered new ways of working
       a scrub nurse. But something inside was   with the local hospice, GPs and South East Coast Amblance Service to make sure people
       saying this is not for you, you miss the   nearing the end of
       camaraderie of community, being there   their lives can do so in
       for the patients.                   comfort and without
        “I thought I would work in major   pain, keeping them
       trauma or theatre, but it was my mum   at home if possible.
       who reminded me how much I had      Stuart prescribes,
       enjoyed working in community, as a   upskills more junior
       healthcare assistant. You can make a real   team members and
       connection with patients and their carers.   leads the care of
       So, I decided to come back to KCHFT.”   patients with
        Alex found a role with the Acute   complex conditions.
       Response Team in Ashford
       and will soon be taking             Want to find out more about
       up a new position in
       community nursing.                  the innovative careers we offer?
        “It doesn’t feel
       like I’ve even been
       away. It feels
       good to be
       home,” he said.

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