Page 21 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 21

How the service expanded

         NHS Charities Together’s Community
         Partnership Programme awarded
         £323k to KCHFT to expand the Rough
         Sleeper Service.
          Dental and podiatry services are now
         available alongside the complex care
         outreach nurses who work with Dentaid,
         Hepatitis C nurses, mental health services,
         drug and alcohol prevention, local
         authorities and other outreach services,
         including charities such as Porchlight.
          More than 1,734 treatments have been
         provided across Maidstone, Tunbridge
         Wells, Tonbridge, Medway, Folkestone,
         Canterbury and Dover.

        Tina now has a home decorated with her   Homeless at 38-years-old, Paul Breeze has   Paul, now 40, lives with partner Wendy
       personal items, including pictures of her   received physical, mental and dental support   who was also supported by Claire. They are
       four children and 12 grandchildren across   through the Rough Sleeper Project.   on the housing list waiting for a home they
       the wall. She sleeps in her own bed with   Paul said: “I had been sleeping rough for   can share together.
       colourful rugs on the floor and a small   around three months before meeting Claire.   They are both incredibly grateful for all
       kitchen table in the corner. The friends   I slept wherever I could around Maidstone   the support they’ve received.
       she’s made in the day centre have donated   and together with physical ill-health, it made   Paul said: “I’d encourage anyone to
       blankets and other items, and Tina loves a   my anxiety worse. I had a cyst on my face   reach out if they need the support. The
       charity shop bargain.               which everyone would stare at, needed   organisations are there to help you. I’d really
                                           dental treatment and was really vulnerable.   like to thank each of them for all they’ve
       ‘I walked away from a               It was a terrible time.”             done for me and my partner. They’ve helped
                                             Now Paul too has a roof over his head   me turn my life around.”
       bad situation determined            thanks to the Rough Sleeper Service,   Claire said: “The project has shown it’s

       to make things better.’             Maidstone Borough Council Outreach Team   an invaluable service for those who need it.
                                           and AMAT UK.
                                                                                Patients often spoke of difficulty accessing
                                             Paul added: “Claire helped me get the   services due to fear, perceived stigma
        She said: “Living on your own can be   treatment I needed to get the cyst removed   and discrimination. Some also felt their
       lonely but I have my phone and I can call   from my face, I have also visited the dental   healthcare concerns wouldn’t be heard due
       my kids anytime and often spend time with   bus a couple of times. I didn’t realise all   to being homeless or labelled as having
       them. I’ve made a change for them. They   these organisations were out there to help   substance misuse problems.
       are my world and I love them all.”  you. They’ve been absolutely brilliant, I don’t   “We have been able to show they are
        The Rough Sleeper Service has provided   know where I’d be today without Claire and   being heard, they are valued and they
       treatment for homeless people in west Kent   all those who have helped.”  deserve the right to healthcare.”
       since 2019 and with the help of charitable
       funding from NHS Charities Together’s
       Community Partnership Programme, is
       being expanded.
        Claire led the project in west Kent and
       is now helping to develop it to benefit the
       homeless in Medway and east Kent and
       has helped add podiatry and dental care to
       the service.
        The first dental clinic at the Dover
       Outreach Centre saw 10 patients, with eight
       receiving treatment and one tooth removal.
        Claire said: “Some patients have not seen
       a dentist for more than 30 years and have
       resorted to pulling out their own teeth. Now
       they are able to be seen in an environment
       where they feel comfortable and have the
       treatment they need.”                                                                                        21
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