Page 22 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 22

Practice makes permanent: Clinical student
                                                                                   partner Sally talks Suzie through the signs of
                                                                                    spotting a chest infection on mannequin Jo.


       Simulation-based learning may have been around for decades, but it’s
       set to play a more prominent role in clinical training in the community.
       Kate Rumsby visited KCHFT’s first simulation training suite at the
       Heathside Centre in Coxheath, Maidstone, to find out more.

              eet Jo, who is tucked up in    It’s all part of a simulation exercise   can adapt this for our physios and
              bed in a clinic at the Heathside   to help students and clinical colleagues   occupational therapists, who relate
      MCentre, in Coxheath, breathing      practice and hone their clinical skills in a   more to being in a clinic environment.”
       heavily, with a nasty cough.        safe and experiential environment.     The simulation room at Heathside
        By Jo’s side is Suzie Sackey, a      Julie explained: “As a community   Centre looks like a normal clinical room
       healthcare assistant and registered nurse   trust, we are on the front-foot in using   with a bed, a privacy curtain and an array
       degree apprentice, who is listening   simulation in our training practices.   of medical equipment lining the wall.
       intently to Jo’s chest with a stethoscope.       What’s unique for us is we are able   The simulation technology is not just a
        But Jo is not real – it’s a sophisticated   to create situations that students and   safe space for students and apprentices to
       mannequin whose symptoms are being   apprentices are likely to experience   apply theory and practice technique.
       remotely triggered through a computer   in the community. We’ll replicate a   It can also be used by qualified colleagues
       controlled by Julie Jeffries, Head of   patient’s home environment for our   who want extra confidence in situations
       KCHFT’s Clinical Academy.           student community nurses and we      they may not experience very often.

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