Page 23 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 23

Immersive learning:
       Using new technologies
       in training practice will
       help improve patient
       care in the community.

        Julie said: “We can run scenarios to   Boosting career prospects
       make things as realistic as possible,
       giving colleagues the chance to develop
       their critical thinking, assessment     Young people aged 16 to 18 studying   enjoyable work placements to help back
       and team building skills to problem-    for T-Levels in Kent could benefit from   up learning in the classroom across a
       solve a case together. They can walk    hands-on experience in the NHS, as   range of categories, including business
       away feeling confident that if they     part of their course.              and administration, catering and
       encountered that in practice, they       KCHFT has partnered with schools   hospitality, digital, legal as well as health
       would know what to do, resulting in     and colleges to provide work experience   and science.”
       better patient care in the community.”   placements for students enrolled on to    Canterbury College is one of the local
        Suzie Sackey began her four-year       T-Level programmes and is encouraging   education partners working with KCHFT
       registered nurse degree apprenticeship   more settings to get in touch.    to secure industry placements for their
       in February 2023 and said having         T-Levels are a new qualification for   T-Level students.
       access to the simulation technology is a   students aged 16 to 19 who have finished    Rebecca Starr, Industry Liaison Officer
       boost to her confidence when visiting   GCSEs. As part of the course, students   at Canterbury College, said: “Working
       patients in the community.              complete 45 days in an industry placement   closely with KCHFT, we can offer students
        “It gives us real-life scenarios where   related to their course.         fulfilling work placements, giving them
       we can observe changes in breathing,     Equivalent to three a-levels and   excellent industry experience alongside
       heart rate, temperature as well as areas   designed by professional bodies,   their college studies. Having exposure
       of pain, so when we see the warning     employers and universities, they are   in real work settings can help students
       signs of a condition in a patient, we   intended to lead young people who study   decide which direction they wish to
       have the knowledge to deal with it. I’m   them in to specific occupations.  follow, as well as embedding their
       gaining so much confidence as a result,”   Verity Barton, KCHFT Widening   learning into practice and developing skills
       explained Suzie.                        Participation Lead, said: “T-Level courses are   ready for employment.”
                                               20 per cent learning through a placement,
       What’s next?                            so there’s a fantastic opportunity for us   If your school or college would like to
       Julie said: “The future of simulation and   to give young people unique insight to a   find out more about work placements at
       immersive learning is really exciting and   range of NHS job opportunities.   KCHFT, get in touch by emailing
       we are planning more facilities across our   “We’ll be offering rewarding and
       community settings in an effort to bring
       learning resources to colleagues, rather
       than them having to travel elsewhere.”    Celebrating our fantastic apprentices

       KCHFT’s Clinical Academy supports         The achievements of 56 NHS apprentices have been celebrated at a
       nursing and allied health professionals   colourful graduation event.
       across the organisation. To learn about    Each apprentice was given a certificate to mark their achievements,
       our career opportunities, visit           watched by their family, friends and colleagues. Our Chief People Officer                Victoria Robinson-Collins said: “Apprenticeships are a real success story for
                                                 us. I’m delighted we have trained
                                                 15 fully-qualified registered
                                                 nurses and three nurse associates
                                                 through our scheme.
                                                  “Our apprentices also
                                                 include assistant practitioners,
                                                 physiotherapists, dental nurses,
                                                 occupational therapists, business
                                                 administrators and chartered

                                                 Michaela Young, Kimberley Sargent and
       Boosting confidence: Suzie said being able to   Marianne Boniface completed the chartered
       practice in the simulation suite gives her a safe   manager apprenticeship programme.
       space to learn.

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