Page 28 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 28

More about you
         Sign up to be a member of KCHFT                                        We ask for this information so we
                                                                                can be sure our membership is
                                                                                representative of the communities we
         We will communicate with you by email, which saves the NHS money, however if   serve. We would be grateful if you
         you would like to be contacted in a different way, please let us know.  would complete this section.
         Your information will only be used to contact you regarding your membership and   Date of birth:
         held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Everything     (This is required as you must be 14-years
                                                                                or older to be a member)
         we ask for is used to make sure we stay in touch with you how you want us to and
         that our membership is representative of the communities we care for.       /     /
                                                                                What is your ethnicity?
                                                                                White British
         Your contact details (please print in block capitals)
                                                                                White Irish
                                                                                White Gypsy or Irish traveller
         Title ..............................   First name ..............................................................  White other (please state)

         Last name .....................................................................................................  ..................................................................
                                                                                Asian British
         Address ........................................................................................................
                                                                                Asian Indian
         .....................................................................................................................  Asian Bangladeshi
                                                                                Asian Pakistani
         .............................................................  Postcode ........................................  Asian Chinese
         Home phone number ....................................................................................  Asian other (please state)
         Mobile phone number ..................................................................................
                                                                                Black British
         Email address ................................................................................................  Black African
                                                                                Black Caribbean
                                                                                Black other (please state)
          Tell us about you                                                     ..................................................................
          Please tell us if you need any communication support, for example a British Sign   Mixed other (please state)
          Language interpreter.                                                 ..................................................................
          .............................................................................................................................  Other ethnic group (please state)
          Please tell us if you need written information in another format, for example   ..................................................................
          large print, another language or easy read.                           Prefer not to say
          .............................................................................................................................  What is your gender?
          Please tell us if you have a disability or long-term health condition:
          .............................................................................................................................  Male
                Prefer not to say                                               Transgender
                                                                                Other (please state)
          How would you like to be involved? (please tick all that apply)       Prefer not to say
                Receive information from us about our services and our charity, i care  If you do not wish to be listed on
                Receive invitations to events and working groups                the public register of members
                                                                                please tick here.
                Respond to surveys or comment on leaflets                       If you need this leaflet in an alternative
                Receive information about employment opportunities              format, please phone the Communications
                Become a volunteer                                              Team on 0300 790 0506 or email

                       Please fill this in, pop it into an envelope and post  it to:
                                FREEPOST RSCK-GRCK-YBER, Communications, Trinity House,
                              110-120 Upper Pemberton, Eureka Park, Ashford, Kent TN25 4AZ
                                                   *You don’t need a stamp

                                    Find out more at

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