Page 27 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 27

Let your voice be heard

                                                                                                    Lead Governor and
       Elected by their local communities and colleagues, our Council of                              public governor
       Governors has a crucial role to play in making sure you get the                                for Dover, Carol
       very best from your NHS and that your voice is heard.                                              Coleman

       Carol looks back on another busy year

       for the KCHFT Council of Governors

       “It’s hard to believe a year has passed   services is unrelenting and there is more   Love your NHS?
       since I last reported on what the Council   focus than ever on moving people into   Become a member
       of Governors has been up to and I am   community settings for their rehabilitation
       now in my second year as lead governor  and recovery. Which is why I was so pleased   NHS foundation trusts are like
       for the trust.                      to be part of the team that helped to   co-operatives where local people,
        “We have been fortunate to welcome six   landscape the new Elizabeth Ward Garden   patients and staff can become
       new governors to the team: Sarah Ansell   at Victoria Hospital in Deal.    members. By signing up, you can
       for Ashford, Chris Cornell for Canterbury,   “Colleagues from the council have also   decide how much or how little you
       Penny Shepherd MBE for Folkestone and   taken part in crucial ‘we care’ and patient-  want to be involved. We’ll keep
       Hythe, Lea Dehaney in Gravesham and Jide   led assessments of the care environment   you up-to-date with information
       Odumade for Swale.                  (PLACE) visits, which assess the quality   about our services, you can take
        “The council also welcomed Jan Harris   and how patient-friendly our community   part in surveys or questionnaires
       to the role of staff governor for adult   hospital and non-clinical environments are.   from time-to-time, join panels
       services. Jan is well-known in her role   Gillian Harris, governor for the Sevenoaks   or working groups – the choice
       as occupational therapy assistant at   borough, also had a sneak peek of the new   is yours. Membership is open to
       Faversham Cottage Hospital and alongside   Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre, which   anyone aged 14 years or over.
       her new public governor colleagues, I know   will be opening later this year.  When you sign up to
       is keen to represent the voice and views of   “There was also time to reflect and   become a member:
       her constituents.                   celebrate as we joined the annual staff
         “As the world opened up and settled   awards event and heard the incredible   •  You get to have your say on local
       into its new normal last year, we took the   stories of how colleagues are going above      NHS services.
       opportunity to be out and about, meeting   and beyond to provide excellent care and   •  You will get NHS discounts in
       teams and services and speaking to people   the difference volunteers make to KCHFT.     high street stores, restaurants
       at a number of community and public   “On behalf of the Council, public       and attractions.
       health events.                      governor Alison Fisher attended a national   •  You will be kept up-to-date with
        “One of the highlights of the year was our   service of thanksgiving at Westminster
       Winter Well event in Folkestone which brought  Cathedral to celebrate 75 years of the NHS.     improvements and changes to
                                                                                     local NHS services.
       together a number of NHS and community   “You can hear more about what we have
       services to support more than 300 people to   been up to, on behalf of our members, at   Sign-up now at
       stay well through the winter months.  this year’s annual meeting: or
        “We know pressure on our emergency meeting.”  you can complete the form on the
                                                                                  next page and send it back to our
       Our new governors                                                          FREEPOST address.

        A                 B                 C                  D                 E                  F

       A  Ashford Sarah Ansell, B  Canterbury Chris Cornell, C  Folkestone and Hythe Penny Shepherd MBE,
       D  Gravesham Lea Dehaney, E  Swale Jide Odumade, F  Staff governor for adult services Jan Harris.
       Our Council of Governors is made up of five staff governors, 13 public governors and five appointed governors.
       Find out who represents you and how to contact them:                                                                                        27
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