Page 24 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 24

Back to school

       top tips

       Help keep your children healthy and
       ready for anything with this handy
       guide for five to 11-year-olds.

       Things you should have at home                         Plasters for cuts and grazes
       Common illnesses are something you can prepare for     Most cuts and grazes are minor and can be easily treated at home.
                                                              When the wound has stopped bleeding, wash it under tap water.
       at home. You are unlikely to get a prescription for them
                                                              Avoid using antiseptic as it may damage the skin and slow
       but these over-the-counter medicines are available to
                                                              healing. Pat it dry and apply a plaster.
       buy in a pharmacy or supermarket. The pharmacy can
                                                              Minor wounds should start to heal within a few days, but if they
       also offer help and clinical advice to manage minor    don’t, use NHS 111 online or by phone.
       health concerns or help you get the care you need if
       your symptoms are more serious.                        Common childhood health issues
                                                              Head lice
       Thermometer – for fevers
                                                              Head lice are tiny insects which live in hair. They are common and
       Digital and forehead thermometers help check if your child has a   you can check for live lice and eggs by combing through your child’s
       fever – a temperature of over 37.5C (99.5F).           hair with a detection comb, which you can buy at a pharmacy.

       To bring a fever down you can give children’s paracetamol (for   You don’t need to see your GP. The pharmacy can recommend
       children three months and over) and encourage your child to drink   treatment or you can comb the lice and eggs out.
       more. Try using their favourite cool drink or ice lollies.
       Make sure they are not wearing too many clothes – a vest or pants   Coughs and colds
       is okay if the house is a normal temperate. Use a cotton sheet at   It’s normal for children to have several colds a year. They will build
       bedtime and make sure your child’s immunisations are up-to-date.   up immunity as they get older and will get fewer colds.
       Simple pain killers                                    Most colds get better in five to seven days, but can take up to two
                                                              weeks in small children.
       Ask your pharmacist for advice. Paracetamol and ibuprofen
       suitable for children can be bought from a supermarket or   If your child has had a cough that has lasted longer than three
       pharmacy. There is no need to ask your GP for a prescription.  weeks, see your GP.
                                                              If your child’s temperature
       Antihistamines                                         is very high or they feel hot
       These are medicines used to relieve symptoms of allergies, such as   and shivery, they may have a
       hay fever. Speak to a pharmacy about                   chest infection. See your GP or
       what is suitable for your child. You do                contact 111.
       not need a prescription.
       Oral rehydration sachets

       These replace the salt and water lost
       during diarrhoea. Ones which disolve
       in water are best.

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