Page 20 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 20

Home is where

       the heart is

       Hundreds of homeless people are now benefiting from essential foot
       and dental care thanks to funding from NHS Charities Together. Kelly
       August spoke to two people who are happier, healthier and have a
       roof over their heads, thanks to KCHFT’s Rough Sleeper Service.

             t 51 years old, Tina Baggott
             was homeless and an alcoholic
       Awith a number of untreated
       health problems.
        Tragically, she lost her father while
       homeless and after nine years of living
       on the streets, it was this moment she
       decided to stop drinking and seek help.
        Now with support from the Rough
       Sleeper Service and help to maintain her
       health, Tina is determined to keep her
       precious home.
        Tina said: “I started drinking because
       of a bad relationship and the fact I was
       homeless. The day I lost my dad, I threw
       a beer at a wall and that was it. I walked
       away from a bad situation determined to
       make things better.
        “I like my life as it is now. It was rough
       on the streets and I wouldn’t wish it on
       my worst enemy. If it wasn’t for Claire
       Knight, Dr Green, Maidstone Borough
       Council and Maidstone Day Centre, I’d be
       in the drain again. I wouldn’t have this
       roof over my head.”
        Claire Knight is a complex care
       outreach nurse, part of the Rough
       Sleeper Service, which provides
       treatment, support and advice for
       homeless people. Claire met Tina at the
       day centre in 2019 and worked with the
       team to help her get back on her feet.

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