Page 15 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 15

Let’s get

                  you home

                          We’re developing a new approach to rehabilitation and recovery
                          in our community hospitals to get you home sooner.

                                  e know too often people end   Our new stroke rehabilitation ward
                                  up in a hospital bed when they   in Margate is already leading the way,
                          Wdon’t need to be – or stay there   helping people like Tony on our cover,
                          too long – which can impact on their   get back to his home on the farm.
                          ability to regain their independence.   Here, we’ll tell you more about our
                            Evidence shows you recover much   plans to pilot a new way of our delivering
                          quicker if you get up, get dressed and   rehab and recovery in two of our hospitals
                          keep moving as much as possible while   this winter and how you can help us
                          in hospital – and get home quickly to   develop our centres of excellence fit for
                          maintain and build your independence.  the future…
                            Our ambition is to modernise our
                          approach by delivering seven-day therapy,
                          in fit-for-purpose buildings – with nursing,
                          therapy, doctors, pharmacy, social care
                          and voluntary sector partners working
                          as one team.

                 Improving stroke care
                  Our new stroke ward – which
                  opened in Margate in July – is
                  leading the way in providing
                  seven-day therapy. Read Tony’s
                       story on page 18.

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