Page 10 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 10

Helping you

         to help us

                                                                                   A staggering 2,500

                                                                                   health visiting
       A major drive has been launched to reduce thousands of                      appointments are
       missed NHS appointments, so we can deliver vital support                    missed every month.
       to families who need us. Jane Barlow reports on one
       service making inroads.

          very month in Kent, a staggering 2,500   Health Visiting Programme Manager Sonia   is why we want to dig deeper to tackle the
          health visiting appointments are missed   Hedegaard, who is leading the work, said:   root causes. By understanding these, we can
      E– and a chance is lost to help a family   “Improving outcomes for children is what    support people to take control of their care
       who might need us.                  is most important. Early intervention can   and help reduce health inequalities.”
        We’ve probably all done it, missed   make a big difference, so we needed to    This new drive is already reducing no-
       an appointment, but the reasons why    look at why so many appointments are    shows and seeing last-minute cancellations
       appointments are missed are often more   not attended.                   filled, meaning other families have
       complex than simply forgetting.       “Missing appointments is not something   appointments quicker.
        Making our services accessible for   most people do intentionally; some people   In health visiting, we’ve managed to
       everyone is important if we are going to   may miss appointments due to having   reduce ‘do not attends’ and ‘was not
       tackle health inequalities – the reasons why   caring responsibilities, forgetting their   brought’ from 11.5 per cent to 7.7 per cent,
       people have different or poor experiences   appointment, work commitments and for   something we want to replicate in other
       of care – and reduce waiting lists so we can   many other reasons.       Kent Community Health NHS Foundation
       help people faster.                   “Every appointment freed up could be   Trust services.
        That’s why our Health Visiting Service,   used to see other clients, but only if we
       which has about 24,000 contacts each   know about it in advance. This work has    How you can help
       month, is trying to understand why people   the potential to make a huge difference
       might miss an appointment – and what we   freeing up more time to care and helping    Let us know if you cannot make an
       can do about it.                    us deliver for families.”            appointment or if a time, date or location
        In response, we are sending letters or   Our Health Visiting Service delivers   is not convenient. Please respond to letters,
       text reminders to parents and carers, and   the Healthy Child Programme,   reply to text messages or phone calls and
       making it easy to cancel or re-book. We’ve   which includes antenatal,      give us as much notice as possible.
       reviewed clinic times and venues, we’re not   new birth, a six-to-               You can visit www.kentcht.nhs.
       booking appointments too far ahead and   eight week review and                   uk/kentbaby to get in touch
       have launched short-notice lists, to quickly   development checks at               with your local health
       fill slots others cancel.           the ages of one and two.                           visiting team.
        Evidence shows 10 to 20 per cent   Our health visitors work
       of patients from the most deprived   with children aged up
       backgrounds are most likely to miss    to five.
       an appointment. As part               Senior Engagement
       of identifying health               and Partnership
       inequalities, we’ve                 Manager Juliette Wales
       been making sure                    is part of the team
       people from deprived                looking into why families
       backgrounds, those                  might not attend
       who need carers,                    or take their child to
       people with mental                  an appointment.
       health conditions and                 She said: “Reasons for
       vulnerable patients                 missing appointments can
       are contacted and                    vary hugely – which
       booked into last-
       minute slots.

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