Page 6 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 6

Life-changing stroke unit

        opens in Margate

        Maureen Mumford, 83, was one of      Maureen said: “I had my stroke in
        the first patients welcomed to our   June. It affected my speech, my swallow
        new specialist rehabilitation unit at   and my mobility down my right side. The
        Westbrook House, Margate when it    care on the unit is brilliant and I have
        opened in July.                     been exercising every day because I want
          The unit provides round-the-clock care   to get back home and be able to take
        for stroke survivors for up to six weeks   care of myself.”
        with our new multi-disciplinary team.  Assistant Director of Community
          People who no longer need to be in an   Hospitals Louise Ward, said: ‘’We are
        acute hospital, but are not yet ready to   delighted to be opening a community-
        go home are receiving seven-day support   based stroke rehabilitation unit for local
        from our team of therapists and nurses   people in Thanet and beyond.
        to help them recover faster, regain their   “For many people, rehabilitation after
        independence and get home quicker,   stroke is critical in their recovery journey,
        where they will continue their therapy.  to give them the best quality of life. There
          Patients have a daily programme of   is nothing else like this in this part of   we want to improve rehab and stroke
        therapy tailored to their individual needs and   Kent. Our aim is to help patients become   survivor Tony’s story on pages 15 to 19.
        everyday activities are built into their rehab,   as independent as possible, to help them   To find out more about the unit, search
        such as eating together at a dining table and   go home.”              ‘Westbrook’ on our news hub:
        group therapy sessions in the day room.  Read more about the stroke unit, how

        Find the answer

        at Kent Family

        Find ways to help your child be healthy
        and happy, support their development and
        keep them safe with our new Kent Family
        website. Our site has all the information you
        need for children from 0-to-19 years-old
        and their grown-ups. Go to:

                                             Join us at our annual meeting

                                             We’ll be talking about what it takes to deliver high-quality services and you’ll hear
                                             reflections from some of our teams and patients at our annual meeting on Wednesday,
                                             20 September.
                                               We will also give you an overview of our finances for 2022/23, talk about our new
                                             We care strategy and our four big ambitions for the year ahead.
                                               Join us in-person, from 2 to 3.30pm at Trinity House, Ashford, or you can join online to
                                             hear from our Chair John Goulston and Chief Executive Mairead McCormick.
                                             Book your place or catch up online if you missed it:

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