Page 3 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 3

                                    It’s time to rethink rehab

           Follow us                I cannot tell you how proud I was when    It is the focus of this magazine and you

       Community Health online at   we opened our new specialist stroke      can read more about our plans to transform   rehabilitation unit in Margate this summer.   community rehabilitation (pages 15 to 19) and
                                      The unit at Westbrook House provides seven   hear from patients like Tony Sinden, who was
       You can read or listen in
       alternative formats using    days-a-week therapy for survivors of stroke,   recently discharged home after a period of
       ReciteMe.                    making sure they receive the support they need to   recovery at Westbrook House.
                                    recover their independence and return home.  You will also read about some of our
         If you would like to advertise   When I started my career in the NHS some 35   amazing younger patients, like Skyla Maclarty
       in this magazine, please phone   years ago, older or frail patients were tucked up   (page 12), who was born profoundly Deaf and
       Charlotte Morgan on          in beds, in their pyjamas for days at a time, to   is supported by our Children’s Hearing Service
       0300 790 0506.               ‘recover’ from whatever condition had led them   and Ollie Williams (page 8), the one in 10,000
       Write to us                  to needing a hospital bed in the first place.  child who has been helped by our Paediatric
       Kent Community Health NHS      Of course, we now know this is not what is   Dietetics Service.
       Foundation Trust, Trinity House,   best for patients, who should be up, dressed   We hope you enjoy
       110-120 Upper Pemberton,     and taking an active role in regaining their
       Ashford, Kent TN25 4AZ       independence, by building everyday activities into   this issue.
       The team                     their recovery plans.                    Mairead
       Editor-in-chief Julia Rogers    The ‘Westbrook model’ will transform the
       Email:  way community rehabilitation is delivered. The
       Editor Chloe Crouch          change we have been talking about for so long,
         Designers Joe Brocklehurst    which is so urgently needed, is no longer a future
       and Hollie Ryan              dream, it is happening now, here in Kent.
       Contributors Jo Treharne,
       Kelly August, Jane Barlow,
       Angela Corpe, Beverley Hunt,
       Kate Rumsby and Amy Rutland.                                               Chief Executive  Mairead McCormick


       Your shout             4-5
       News                   6-7

       No ordinary boy        8-9
       Helping you to help us  10
       David’s life-saving
       lung check              11
       Sky’s the limit for Skyla  12-13
       Proud to be                    8
       improving lives         14

       Let’s get you home   15-19
       Home is where
       the heart is         20-21
       Simulating success   22-23
       Back to school       24-25
       Are you ready to care?  26
       Let your voice be heard  27
       Sign up to be a member
       of KCHFT                28
       Your guide              29                                                                                         3
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