Page 16 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 16

Centres of excellence:

       A new way forward

       Pilot to help people get home from hospital sooner this winter

       A new approach to delivering rehabilitation and recovery is to be piloted
       in two east Kent hospitals this winter to get people home sooner.

            s part of a national NHS England pilot, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation
            Trust is working with partners to modernise how it delivers rehab in its hospitals
      Aand supports people to get home, using the latest clinical evidence.
        Evidence shows people recover faster and maximise their independence if they take
      a more active role in their recovery. The ambition is to improve the care for people by
      increasing therapy to seven-days-a week and delivering more joined-up care – with
      nursing, therapy, social care and voluntary sector partners working as one team.
        Building on the learning from our new stroke unit, which opened in July, KCHFT
      will run the pilot with Kent County Council, in Westbrook House in Margate and
      West View Integrated Care Centre, Tenterden.
        At Westbrook House and West View House, colleagues from Kent County Council
      are based in the same building, allowing more seamless working between the NHS
      and social care.
        We want to work more closely with our colleagues in social care, so we can
      provide the right support for people when they are ready to go home, continuing
      their rehabilitation in a familiar environment.

                                                                                  There is a communal dining area outside
        Our community                        Right environment                  their door with space for them to meet,
        hospitals                            for rehab                          eat and socialise with other patients on
                                                                                the ward.
                                                                                  They have a bright and airy day room with
      People from all over Kent are usually     aving the right environment is really   plenty of space for activities and of course,
      admitted to our wards after spending      important if we are able to maximise   large and well-equipped gyms where they
      some time in an acute hospital.      Hpeople’s recovery.
                                             At Westbrook House, we have a stroke   can work on strengthening their muscles
      Community or cottage hospitals provide:                                   and re-learning everyday activities, under
                                           rehabilitation unit where every patient
        •     general rehabilitation, often for   has plenty of space around their bed for   the care of our therapy teams.
            people who are frail and elderly  visitors, or for our therapy teams to work.   At our newly-refurbished ward at the
                                                                                Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital in Herne
        •     specialist rehabilitation, for people                             Bay, there’s a therapy kitchen, where
            who have had strokes or broken hips                                 patients can practice tasks like making a
        •     sub-acute care, for people who still                              cup of tea or cooking a small meal so they
            need treatment after being in an                                    are more able to cope when they get home,
            acute hospital.                                                     under the watchful eye of an occupational
                                                                                therapist or therapy assistant.
              FACT:                                                              Rewarding careers
          Half our buildings
         pre-date the birth of                                                        ur teams are amazing and strive
          the NHS in 1948.                                                            to provide excellent patient care in
                                                                                Oeverything they do, but there are
                                                                                national workforce shortages and we often
                                                                                struggle to recruit qualified staff.

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