Page 17 - Community Health magazine - issue 38
P. 17

But working in a more integrated way can
       help this and we want to explore this as part   Ask the expert
       of our pilot.
        Our vision is physiotherapists, occupational   Vicky Pout, Lead Therapist at the Westbrook House
       therapists, speech and language therapists   Stroke Rehabilitation Centre, Margate.
       and dietitians working seamlessly to provide
       the best possible therapy for people.                                       The first thing we do here at Westbrook
        We can also offer our colleagues the   Why is therapy so important
       opportunity to progress into more senior or   when people are recovering?  is make sure everyone is up and dressed
                                                                                 early. Breakfast is served in our communal
       specialist clinical roles, providing attractive   Evidence shows you recover much faster if   dining area, not in bed. Patients can then
       career pathways for people and encouraging   you get up, get dressed and keep moving   go to our day room for activities or they
       them to stay with us.                  as much as possible while in hospital – and   might go to the gym with a physio or
                                              get home quickly to maintain and build   a rehab assistant. It’s based on a model
                                              your independence. Lying in bed makes   pioneered in Norway called the Trondheim
                                              your muscles rapidly weaken, so it’s harder   Model of care. We’re calling it the
                                              for you to get moving again.       ‘Westbrook Model’.
                                               Taking an active role on your own
                                                                                   If you’ve been in a large hospital for a
                                              recovery will really help. If you’ve had a   while, you might have become used to
                                              stroke, it’s doubly important to get your   people doing things for you, but doing as
                                              muscles working as soon as possible.
                                                                                 much as you can for yourself from getting
                                              Why is it better to get            up and dressed, preparing your own drinks,
                                              home sooner?                       playing board games in our day rooms –
                                                                                 all help you regain your independence.
                                              Hospital are busy places, with lots of
                                              interruptions. Normal routines and sleep   Do family and friends have a
                                              are vital to recovery, so the faster we can   role to play?
                                              get you can get back home, the better. The   Carers are a vital part of someone’s
       Louise Ward, KCHFT’s Community         longer your hospital stay the more you are at   recovery process as they will be the ones
       Hospitals Assistant Director, said: “At the   risk of being exposed to hospital-associated   who will help to continue a patient’s
       moment our community hospital colleagues   infections and developing pressure sores.    recovery once they are home. We really
       do an amazing job at caring for people, but   Isn’t it the physiotherapist    encourage friends and family to be part of
       we need to modernise the way we work.  who provides the rehab?            the rehabilitation journey and we welcome
        “We want to develop centres of                                           them to the ward as often as possible.
       excellence for rehabilitation, that    When we talk about rehabilitation,
       consistently deliver better patient outcomes,   it’s a whole programme of activities
       rewarding careers for colleagues and a   that take place throughout the day,
       sustainable model for the future, by providing   not just physiotherapy.
       care that is nurse and therapy-led and joined-
       up with other health and care services.”

        How can you get involved?

               hat do you think about our vision
               for better rehabilitation? We hope
       Wto trial this new model during the
       winter in two of our hospitals. This work is
       part of our new We care strategy.
       If you or someone you care for has
       received care in one of our community
       hospitals in the past year and you
       would like to give you views on what
       we can improve and work with us,
       You can read more about how you can
       get involved at
       rehabandrecovery                                                                                        17
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