We recognise that carers provide many hours of unpaid support for family and friends who are ill, frail, or have long-term health conditions.
Many people just see themselves as a neighbour, partner or parent, but that doesn’t make their role as a carer any less important – and we want to make sure that all carers receive the help they need and deserve.
Carers assessment
As a carer of any kind – even if you think you are just being a good friend or relative – you have a right to a carer’s assessment. The assessment is carried out by a carer organisation in your area, commissioned by your local council, and could result in you being offered respite care or other help. It’s a simple, free process and we encourage carers to apply for it.
To find out more about a free carer’s assessment, if you live in Kent please visit the Kent Carers Matter website or phone Kent County Council on 03000 41 61 61.
If you live in Medway please visit the Carers First Medway website or phone 0300 303 1555.
You might also be interested in registering for a Kent carers’ emergency card. This card will help you and the person you care for if you are suddenly taken ill or if you have an accident. Find out more by visiting the KCC website.
Would you like to get involved?
Are you an unpaid carer living in Kent or Medway? We would like to hear from you.
In April 2021, KCHFT signed up to the Triangle of Care, a scheme to promote shared working between carers, patients and professionals. Over the next few years, all of our services will be completing an action plan to improve carer and patient experience and involvement.
This work is being led by our carers steering group, made up of carer representatives and carer champions from across the trust. If you would like to join this group and have the opportunity to take part in projects to improve the experience of carers, please contact us at kentchft.engagement@nhs.net or phone 0300 013 2045 and select option
You can also sign up to the Carer’s Lounge here (The Carer's Lounge - Carers' Support East Kent (carersek.org.uk), an online forum for carers to share their experiences, ask questions and feedback.
Helpful organisations