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Psychosexual therapy

Sexual problems?  You are not alone. 

We all struggle with our sex lives at one time or another, things like childbirth, the menopause, loss of a job, illness or surgery can all bring change and loss of confidence.

Getting that confidence back and getting sexual problems treated usually requires help and support from someone with expertise.

We have many years of experience and offer a range of treatments. Sometimes more than one treatment type is needed to get you back on track, and you can just see us for an assessment first before you make up your mind whether you want to continue.

Our therapists

All our therapists are accredited members of either the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (IPM) or College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). Placements are offered in our clinics to therapists in training who will work under the supervision of an accredited therapist. Sometimes there can be a choice of seeing a male or female therapist.


Every possible care will be taken to keep your information confidential. We will check things out with you at all times, before making decisions about your treatment or sharing any information about you.

Contact us


You must be referred by your GP or other healthcare professional. They need to complete a psychosexual therapy referral form.

For more information, contact us on email at

We aim to see all patients within 18 weeks of referral. We are currently able to offer appointments in Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Gravesend, Maidstone, Ramsgate and Medway, however we aim to offer more locations soon.

Virtual appointments

Pre-booked appointments only.

We are using a variety of virtual platforms to conduct our appointments, you will be advised which one by your clinician at the point of scheduling your appointment. Please click on the appropriate link below to start your virtual journey.

Read our Virtual appointments for patients page to get the best out of your appointment.

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