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Local Referral Unit

The service is open 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year.


Ashford patient line - 0300 123 0915
Canterbury patient line - 0300 123 4415
South Kent Coast patient line - 0300 123 1943
Thanet patient line - 0300 790 0386
Cardiac and Respiratory - 0300 123 3027


General line - 0300 123 1950

Who we are

We are the first point of contact for all service users across Kent, who wish to make a referral to our community services. Our team delivers an exceptional patient experience when handling email and telephone call contacts.

We have consistent working practices and processes across every locality to ensure quality of service. Every team member works to a set standard and this includes quality of calls, productivity measures and opportunities to improve patient experience.

What we do

The referral unit takes both urgent and non-urgent referrals for our community services in the Kent locality.

How do you use this service?

You need to be referred by a GP or healthcare professional and be registered with a GP in the Kent locality.

The service is provided for:

  • Those who are unable to attend an outpatient setting
  • For those patients where home would be the most appropriate place to deliver care
  • Those who find attending a group session beneficial.
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