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Faversham Cottage Hospital

Providing rehabilitation-focussed inpatient care along with outpatient clinics.

Contact us

01795 562066
Stone Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PS

Kent Connected journey planner

Compare the smartest ways to get to the hospital via bus, walking, cycling, train or car.

Inpatient ward

We provide a 16 bed in-patient unit in Faversham Cottage Hospital, providing a rehabilitation and intermediate care service.

Patients will come to the ward directly from an acute ward (larger hospital), or in some circumstances we can accept a GP referral.

A key part of recovery includes getting up and dressed each day so please make sure you have day clothes and suitable shoes with you along with any items you may need for your personal care. During your stay we hope you will also be able to enjoy some of our activities which will help your recovery, progress and well-being.

The team will work together with you, your family and carers to make sure all support is in place prior to your discharge from us.

We encourage and welcome your family, friends and carers to visit you while you are with us.

On admission, you and your family will be provided with more detailed information about your care and all staff will be available to discuss any queries you may have during your stay with us.

We take pride in delivering high quality care for our patients. We are always happy to receive compliments or you can tell us about anything we could have done better. You can give your feedback anytime online.

Ward number: 01795 562068

Visiting will be between 2pm and 8pm although we can be flexible if relatives want to provide care for patients at other times.

Patients are allowed two visitors at a time at the bedside, but in special circumstances we will allow more, please speak to the matron. Children are permitted to visit.

Please do not visit the hospital if you are unwell. You may be asked to wear a mask and that you sanitise your hands before entering the ward and when you leave.

Parking and facilities at the hospital

The hospital is situated in the centre of Faversham, which has cafes and shops for refreshments and personal care items. There is no parking on the hospital site, pay and display car parks are in the town centre.

Other services offered at the hospital

There are other services at this location, including services not provided by KCHFT. There is a minor injuries unit run by the GP practice.

Faversham League of Friends

Chairman: Michael Moore
01795 537861

Visit the Faversham League of Friends website.

Your comments

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May 2023

Everything is very good. The whole place is run extremely well.

May 2023

Everybody was so helpful and friendly.

May 2023

They did discuss with me about my treatment and how it was going. They listened to what I wanted including medication.

April 2023

The people looked after me marvellously day and night. The night staff who I called many times were good.

April 2023

Everybody is very caring.

April 2023

Felt well cared for and felt treated with respect .

April 2023

Very good, communicated well.

March 2023

All the staff here are very good.

March 2023

I was able to asked questions about the treatment and get an answer.

March 2023

I found the staff helpful, cheerful and professional, which is important. The treatment for my leg is the best treatment I had.

January 2023

Staff always want to help. It's been excellent and nothing has been too much trouble.

January 2023

I honestly think it's all been very good. You have all been so welcoming and everyone is so friendly.

December 2022

Staff wear their names. They are all lovely.

May 2022

This is a very welcoming hospital and I love it here.

May 2022

I have seen team spirit and friendly and informative staff.

April 2022

I can always speak to the staff, it's a lovely hospital here.

April 2022

Marvellous standard of care and friendly staff, with a great atmosphere.

March 2022

The food quality was first class and always served with a smile.

March 2022

Staff are so lovely towards me, bless them.

March 2022

Staff have been so helpful and understanding and very polite.

February 2022

Everyone is so nice to me, thank you for being patient with me.

March 2022

I'm grateful for everyone at the hospital and the support given.

January 2022

Everybody is being so kind.

November 2022

I was very anxious when I arrived and everyone was very kind.

October 2022

The service and treatment I received was very good at all times.

October 2022

I loved it. I couldn't ask for more caring and helpful individuals.

August 2022

Staff always listened and take how I feel into consideration.

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