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Oral Health Promotion Service

Providing oral health education, advice, information and training.

Who we are

We provide evidence based oral health promotion services in:


  • Ashford
  • Canterbury
  • Dartford
  • Dover and Deal
  • Folkestone and Hythe
  • Gravesend
  • Maidstone
  • Malling
  • Sevenoaks
  • Swale
  • Thanet
  • Tunbridge Wells.


  • Barking and Dagenham
  • Hackney
  • Havering
  • Newham
  • Redbridge
  • Waltham Forest.

We base our interventions on the Oral health ToolKit which describes evidence based oral health interventions that really work

The Oral Health Promotion Service provides oral health education, advice, information and training, in various settings, to groups of all ages and abilities. Each member of our experienced Oral Health Promotion Team has an individual approach.

Specialist services we offer

We have listed under each heading whether the service is available in Kent and/or London.

Early years

We provide the following early years services:


  • Nursery schools
  • Pre-schools
  • Family hubs.


  • Nursery schools
  • Pre-schools
  • Mother and baby groups
  • Children centres/Sure Start centres
  • Breastfeeding groups
  • Ante-natal groups
  • Young parent groups.

(Kent and London)

Oral health in schools

The Oral Health Promotion Team is available to provide dental health information to schools.

Below are examples of sessions that can be provided. Each of our experienced oral health promoters has an individual approach.

In London only we also provide the following school services:

  • Reception to year six
  • Extended school clubs
  • Transition days.

Foundation stage – Nursery and year 1
(London only)

Key stage 1 – years 1 and 2

This would include simple information on the importance of our teeth; i.e. what we use them for and how to care for them. We also cover healthy eating advice.

Lots of visual aids, including teeth models and puppets are used together with role-play; e.g. dressing up as a dentist and nurse.

It may be possible for classes to visit a dental surgery, by appointment.

Key stage 2 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

More detailed information on function, development and care of teeth, including disclosing sessions as required.

(This involves a tablet, containing a harmless vegetable dye, which is chewed for 30 seconds, and shows the dental biofilm or plaque present on the teeth).

Again, class visits to the dental surgery may be arranged.

Key stage 3 – Senior schools

Generally, senior schools are not visited by the team unless requested in the case of specific health events, e.g. Health Fairs or Days.

We are happy to adapt presentations to suit you.

Oral Health Champions
(Kent only)

The Kent Oral Health Team are currently establishing a database of Oral Health Champions within settings.

They are a point of contact for key oral health messages and information. Alongside this they provide free webinars, aimed to guide and support the Oral Health Champions with current guidelines and useful links to resources. The Oral Health Champions are also provided with newsletters to share within their settings.

They have currently obtained connections with:

  • Primary, secondary, special needs
  • Nurseries
  • Family hubs
  • Care homes
  • Pharmacies
  • Health visitors
  • Supported living
  • School meal providers
  • One You.

If you are in Kent and would like to know more about becoming and Oral Health Champion within your setting, Please contact

Vulnerable adult and children groups
(London only)

Care Homes: We offer oral health training for care staff within residential homes. We provide carers with the knowledge and skills to enable them to maintain good oral hygiene for all clients.

Special Needs Groups: We visit support groups for adults and children with learning disabilities and supported housing to offer advice and support on all aspects of oral hygiene for residents and carers.

Vulnerable groups: We can offer oral health advice to groups who may not usually have the opportunity to access dental health advice. These groups may include homeless

Other healthcare professionals
(Kent and London)

Training for, and with health professionals – Speech and language therapist, Health visitors, District nurses and School nurses

If you feel that you are not included in any of the above, please contact us. We will be happy to discuss your needs. Our services are provided free of charge.

Health fairs and events
(Kent and London)

The Oral Health Promotion Team is happy to provide information and advice at organised health fairs and events in a fun and interactive way.

One or more members of the team could attend with a display board of information and a variety of resources.

This has proved popular at Academy School Health Days; County Shows; College Health Fairs and many more.

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