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North East London Outreach Dental Services

We are the Outreach Dental Team. An NHS service that works across North East London over seven boroughs as part of the community dental services.

Contact us

This email address is for questions or queries only. Please do not send referrals to this email.

Where we work

We help improve oral health in:

  • Hackney and The City
  • Newham
  • Tower Hamlets
  • Redbridge
  • Waltham Forest
  • Barking and Dagenham
  • Havering.

Each borough has a slightly different NHS contract so focuses on slightly different things.

We aim to provide our communities with information to allow them to take ownership of their oral health.

We also hold local events throughout the year to coincide with national campaigns such as World No Tobacco day.

Who we are

We are the Outreach Dental Team. An NHS service that works across North East London over seven boroughs as part of the community dental services.

We are a team of about 30 staff including dentists, dental therapists, extended duties dental nurses, drivers and administration staff.

Our focus is prevention and education in relation to oral health for the whole community. The team works locally to improve oral health and promote the link between oral health and general health as research shows that poor oral health is linked to other serious health conditions such as pneumonia, heart disease and diabetes.

We base our interventions on ‘Delivering Better Oral Health’ an evidence based toolkit which describes clinically proven ways to keep your mouth healthy.

What we do

We work across our boroughs to provide a variety of outreach services:

  • Fluoride varnish and daily supervised tooth brushing programs in both mainstream and SEN schools
  • Oral health promotion within the community such as at children’s centers and care homes
  • Working with vulnerable children and adults such as the homeless or drug and alcohol support groups
  • Partnership working with other health professionals such as nurses and health visitors.
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