Having a relationship is a basic need that everyone can have regardless of who we are. They can take many forms including, friendship, intimacy, family and a sense of connection.
People with a people learning disability may have reduced opportunity to form relationships. This can be because a person does not understand, does not have the opportunity to go out and met people or does not understand about the different types of relationships and what they may involve.
Below are links to external websites that can be used to support understanding and decision making around relationships.
Types of relationships
- There is information about different types of relationships. It will need to be used with the person as an aid to increase their understanding. It has been made by an autism organisation but can be used by anyone - paautism.org
- This website provides information that can be used to look at what is a good and a bad relationship - freedomprogramme.co.uk
This website provides general information about relationships, rights and responsibilities - choicesupport.org.uk
- This website has an easy read document called ‘ Love, Sex and You’. It has been produced by NHS Dorset and been designed for people with a learning disability. It contains easy read information that can be used to aid understanding and further discussion. Subject titles include, relationships, sex being safer and your body. Please be aware that there are some pictures that some people might find distressing and will need further explanation - apictureofhealth.southwest.nhs.uk
- This provides information about words and terms that people might use when talking about relationships and sexual intercourse. Please be aware that there are symbols pictures that some people might find distressing - ldw.org.uk
- This website to Mencap’s site about sex and relationship, it has content that family and carers would find useful - mencap.org.uk
- Mencap have put together a list of links to further resources that can be used, some are free and some will need to be purchased - mencap.org.uk
The rules around consent in the eyes of the law is continuously changing. As of June 2020, the law states that a person needs to know the following to give consent:
- The mechanics of the act they want to do
- there is a risk of pregnancy in a heterosexual relationship
- there is a risk to health , such as infections
- they know they can refuse at anytime
- they know that the other person can refuse and withdraw consent at anytime.
This video is a fun way to learn about consent. It may not be suitable for those who cannot process the content and apply it to other situations. The content can be used to support discussions and apply to the current case law - Tea and consent video (from Thames Valley Police) - Tea and consent video (from Thames Valley Police).
Keeping safe
How to keep safe online - achievetogether.co.uk
- A leaflet by the Tizard centre about domestic abuse that can be used to initiate conversation - research.kent.ac.uk
- A short film about hate crime.
Sexual health
The Brook is a charity for young people, providing free sexual health advice. Their website contains information across a range of topics, including sexuality, relationships and contraception. Although the information may not be directed at people who have a learning disability, the site is useful to update family and carers knowledge and as an aide for discussing topics - www.brook.org.uk.