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Children’s Residential Short Breaks Service

Enable KCC children’s short breaks units to meet the complex health needs of the child and young person.

Who we are

We are a small team of practice educators with a wealth of specialist knowledge, skills and expertise. We work with Kent County Council (KCC) children’s residential short breaks units across Kent who support children and young people with complex health needs by training and competency assessing KCC staff to a compliment of service specific training packages to enable them to meet the health needs of the children and young people.

At Kent Community Health Foundation Trust, we are committed to providing children, young people and families with an aspirational, caring and responsive approach to their needs and ensuring excellence in the quality and standard of care.

What we do

Our team of practice educators work with partners in both health and social care to enable KCC children’s short breaks units to meet the complex health needs of the child and young person. We complete health needs assessments to inform our training and competency packages and we also offer support/advice and signposting to the units.

Contact us

Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Tel: 0300 790 6105

Referral criteria

A child or young person with a complex health need attending one of KCC children’s residential short breaks units, has access to the practice educators.

Additional information

Service booklet

Your comments

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April 2023

Thank you for your support Carole, you've been a great help through all of this to be honest, I don't know what I would've done without you.

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