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Children’s Integrated Equipment Service

Loaning vital equipment to disabled children and young people.

Contact us

0300 123 2650

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Equipment delivery, collection and maintenance

AJM Healthcare
01323 847250

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Who we are

We are a team of people providing an integrated equipment service for children in East Sussex working in partnership with AJM Healthcare. You may also know us as CIES – Children’s Integrated Equipment Service.

What we do

We provide equipment on loan to disabled children and young people in East Sussex from birth to school-leaving age (16 or 19) to help then access education, carry out tasks they would otherwise be unable to do and achieve their potential.

The Children’s Integrated Equipment Service is responsible for orthotics and for prescribing, ordering and arranging the collection of equipment, while AJM Healthcare is responsible for areas including equipment collection, refurbishment, delivery and fitting, minor adaptations and maintenance and repairs.

How do you use this service?

You can get in touch using the information here. Children will then be referred via the Children’s Integrated Therapy Service.

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