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Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners

This service is available to support primary care networks.

Patients suffering with low back and neck pain or other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions can account for almost a third of GP appointments. Find out how we can help?

This can put a strain on GP time and capacity – but help is at hand thanks to a new service being offered by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT).

Here to help

Musculoskeletal first contact practitionersOur CQC rated “outstanding” trust can provide highly-skilled and qualified musculoskeletal first contact practitioners (MSK FCP) to primary care networks (PCNs) and GP surgeries. MSK FCPs are specialist physiotherapists who are employed by KCHFT, but can provide weekly clinics at your site or sites. Your front of house staff can book patients in directly, with no need for a GP referral.

  • There are benefits for both GPs and for patients.
  • The service frees up GP time.
  • GPs have more time to see other patients.
  • Patients see trained and qualified specialists straightaway.
  • There is a seamless pathway for patients.

Who are first contact practitioners (MSK)?

Our musculoskeletal first contact practitioners are highly skilled physiotherapists with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

We have developed our team in response to the NHS Long Term Plan. By 2024, all adults in England should be able to see a MSK FCP at their local GP practice, without being referred by a GP.

We are pleased to be able to offer you this highly skilled and flexible workforce now.

What can they do?

Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners have enhanced skills and can help patients with issues such as back, neck and joint pain by:

  • assessing and diagnosing issues (including screening for serious pathology)
  • giving expert advice on how best to manage their conditions
  • referring them onto specialist services if necessary.

In addition, they have the skills to:

  • educate and share their expertise in the primary care team
  • advise on medication optimisation
  • administer joint/soft tissue injections (if qualified)
  • discuss fitness for work, healthy lifestyle choices and self-care.

Helping patients, helping GPs

By making it easier for patients to see a physiotherapist, patients will have quicker access to diagnosis and treatment, helping them to manage their conditions more effectively and recover faster, so they can get back to normal life quickly.

The new MSK FCPs will help GPs to manage their workload more effectively and reduce the need for onward referrals.

Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners

Tried and tested

KCHFT’s Integrated MSK Service began running a pilot in Kent and Medway in 2017. National funding for a roll out of the service came in April 2019. KCHFT has a five year programme underway to provide this service locally. From 2020, GP practices have been able to access funding to have their own musculoskeletal first contact practitioner.

How does it work?

While FCP services will take a significant proportion of the MSK workload from GPs, there is no intention to de-skill GPs. GPs will continue to see a proportion of MSK patients, with FCPs providing advice and expertise into the whole GP team.

To have one of our MSK FCPs at your practice, simply get in touch with us here at KCHFT.

High quality care

Our FCPs are advanced physiotherapy practitioners. All our clinicians attain the national competency requirements and meet the standards for national accreditation. We have full access to pathological and radiological diagnostics.

KCHFT takes full responsibility for ongoing training, development and annual competency reviews, as well as the extensive governance needed.

What our patients say

Charlotte’s story

When interior designer Charlotte Pearson was waking up in the night with numb hands, she was eager to get help and advice quickly.

Musculoskeletal first contact practitionersCharlotte called her GP, who passed her details onto the first contact practitioner (MSK) who is attached to her GP surgery. Charlotte had an appointment with physiotherapist Natalie Ottaway just a few days later.

Charlotte, 45, who runs Gin and Honey Interior Design, said: “It was a very quick response. I’m very crafty and I use my hands all the time, so this was a worry. It was affecting my sleep and I was waking up with numb hands.”

A wrist splint was recommended but during a follow up call from her GP, Charlotte explained that these were painful. Charlotte was then given another appointment with the physio, during which she was given advice to make adjustments to the splint.

She said: “The first four days of wearing the splints was very painful. They helped with one problem, the numbness, but they caused another.

Luckily, I was able to get another appointment with the physio very quickly, who advised me to adapt them for my own particular needs.

This really helped. “I’m now able to wear the splints every night, without pain and I’m not waking up with any numbness. I’m very happy.”

Practice manager at the Sutton Valence Group Practice, Louise Twist, added: “We are really enjoying having Natalie with us, she is a great asset.”

What our patients say

Marie Keynes

For patient Marie Keynes, 91, getting to her local GP surgery, at Sutton Valence, was far easier than having to attend an appointment at a hospital or another site.

She said: “For someone my age, this is much better. I phoned my GP surgery and I had the appointment with the physiotherapist, Natalie, the next day.” Mrs Keynes was treated for neck pain, after straining her neck when she went to pick a pen up off the floor.

Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners patient quoteShe said: “The pain was excruciating. When I woke up the following day I wondered how I was going to get dressed without moving my neck or making things worse. I couldn’t have put up with it for long.

“Natalie mobilised my neck and must have loosened something, because the next day it was better and I’ve had nothing since. It was magic and I was delighted!

What our patients say

Supermarket worker Suzie* from Tonbridge

Suzie*, a supermarket worker, has praised how quickly she was given help, for tennis elbow, with the service provided by KCHFT and Tonbridge Primary Care Network. The patient phoned her GP surgery, her details were given to FCP Emma Robinson and she was given an appointment and help just two days later.

Emma Robinson

Emma Robinson

She said: “I was thrilled! Previously when I have had physio problems, I have had to get an appointment to see my GP and then I’ve been told I would be added to a waiting list to see a physiotherapist. This time I called the surgery, the receptionist said they were doing things differently and I got help straight away.

“The first contact practitioner, Emma, phoned and asked me pertinent questions about where it hurt, how painful it was and how I was sleeping. She explained technical phrases to me and I had every confidence in her. She diagnosed over the phone and told me about exercises which would help. These were also sent by email. I was given a time frame as to when things might get better and told to get back in touch if there was no improvement.

“I hope my GP surgery keeps this service as it’s brilliant.”

*Not real name.