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Care home co-ordinator

This service is available to support primary care networks.

We can supply your PCN with a care home co-ordinator. Our co-ordinator will work with you and other health and care providers to make sure the needs of care home residents are met.

In our efforts to work even closer with GPs and other health and social care colleagues to provide local care delivery, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) has appointed a care home co-ordinator in west Kent.

Care home co-ordinatorHelen Miles has taken up the new role, previously having been a health and social care co-ordinator. She is working with The Ridge Primary Care Network (PCN), which covers practices in outer Maidstone, Headcorn and Len Valley.

Helen is working closely with GPs and care home staff, as well as colleagues from our trust, including complex care nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists. Helen has set up a Care Home Team for The Ridge PCN, which looks after 10 care homes.

KCHFT’s Stephanie Rhodes, Head of Long Term Services, west Kent, said: “Helen is the go-to person for the care homes. She acts as a resource for care home staff and their residents to make sure needs are met.

“By liaising with health partners, Helen books appointments for reviews and co-ordinates care delivery. For example, Helen can check to make sure residents have medication reviews and book accordingly with appropriate clinicians, as well as signposting or tapping into other services that may help to improve and support needs.


“Helen saves GPs and practices precious time, which they can then spend with other patients who might need them. She works closely with the GPs, with our services and the local community, including voluntary organisations, to support residents.”

Since December 2020, Helen has also been co-ordinating the vaccination programme for the care home residents on her patch, with all residents now having had their first jab.

Helen said: “I contact the care homes weekly, to check everything is ok. I then speak to the clinical lead GP in each surgery and this helps to reduce duplication and workload for GPs, as well as provide confidence to the care homes their needs are being addressed.

Helen Miles“I make sure residents can access the best and most appropriate care – which is what we all want.

“I have a list of all the patients and I get to know them, so I can make sure they’ve all had their flu jabs and that blood tests are carried out, if needed.

I work closely with a clinical lead, who looks after the medical side of things, such as treatment escalation plans.

“I’m also looking to see if we can get a dental hygienist into the homes and seeing if we can run education sessions for care home staff, to support learning opportunities and enhance their skills.

“I work closely with social services and families. I was co-ordinating multidisciplinary team rounds, but these have been paused, due to COVID-19.

“I can help homes to identify patients that might benefit from the MDT meetings each month, with the experts in frailty.

“Other PCNs that know about my role have said they’d like someone like me within their networks, which is nice to know.”