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Services for Primary Care Networks

Specialist community services to help you and your patients.

By working closer together we can give patients, those who use our services, their families and carers even better care, help and support.

We can make things easier for our patients by providing care on their doorstep, rather than them having to travel to specialist centres. Together we can make sure patients receive the right treatment, at the right place at the right time.

Here you will find more on a range of services we are offering primary care networks - from specialist wound clinics and physiotherapy services, to clinics we can run for high intensity patients who have complex needs. We can do all of this at your local surgeries, making things easier and better for you and your patients.

Dr Sarah Phillips, Faversham GP and Medical Director for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust talks about the support available for your primary care network

Wound Care Service

Wound care service

Our new service to provide wound clinics at GP surgeries gives patients fast access to specialist nurses, on their doorstep. It's better for patients and reduces demand for GP appointments. ...
Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners

Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners

Patients suffering with low back and neck pain or other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions can account for almost a third of GP appointments. Find out how we can help? This can ...
Integrated case management

Integrated case management

Our Integrated Case Management Team can help practices to manage patients who have complex and chaotic lives, which leads to an impact on their health. They also help with patients ...

Care home co-ordinator

We can supply your PCN with a care home co-ordinator. Our co-ordinator will work with you and other health and care providers to make sure the needs of care home ...

PCN brochure

The pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways and, as a health and care sector, it’s tested us like never before. But it’s fair to say, we’ve responded like never before too – we have all experienced some amazing team work within and across our organisations.


Read about our primary care network services in our printable brochure.