Understanding your child online parenting courses
Last edited: 20/12/2022
Free online courses starting during pregnancy and continuing up until a child’s 19th birthday
Understanding your child are free online courses for anyone who is pregnant or caring for a child in Kent. These courses help you develop as a parent as your family grows. They are available in 15 to 20-minute chunks, perfect for busy parents and carers. Families can visit www.inourplace.co.uk and register for a free account with the access code ‘Invicta’. Courses can be completed at an individual’s own pace.
- Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby: - for anyone who is expecting a baby including friends and family. There is a course for female same-sex couples too.
- Understanding your baby - for anyone caring for a baby from birth to six-months-old. There are courses for parents caring for a preterm or sick baby in hospital.
- Understanding your child from toddler to teenager - for anyone caring for a child from six months to 19 years plus.
- Understanding your child with additional needs.
- Moving up to secondary school for children with additional needs - parents can use the ideas and techniques to help better understand their child, their emotions and how to help them process or manage them.
- Understanding your child's feelings (a taster course)
- Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing
- Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager - helps you understand how the COVID pandemic may have affected your teenager emotionally. It may take you about 20 minutes to complete.
- Understanding your teenager's brain: for anyone caring for a teenager in Kent and one for teenagers themselves.
- Understanding your relationships: A course for adults, young people, and older adults covering communication, anger, conflict, repair and more.
To access your free course go to https://inourplace.co.uk/ and register for an account with the access code 'Invicta'.
You need a smartphone, tablet or computer and an internet connection to access the courses.
Families can also access three online courses on coping with stress, communicating better wherever you are in your parenting journey and whether you are in a relationship or separated.
- Arguing better - how to approach disagreements.
- Me, you and baby too - how to navigate the changes that happen in a relationship when a new baby arrives.
- Getting it right for children - how to minimise conflict and the impact it can have on your children when you are separating or have split up.
Visit www.oneplusone.org.uk, select Kent as your area and set up an account with a username and password.
You need a smartphone, tablet or computer and an internet connection to access the courses. They are all free to access.
If these courses raise any concerns please contact your local Health Visiting Team or School Health Team for more support.
Contact us
We really want to hear from you if you need our help or are feeling worried about anything.
Come along to a child health clinic for advice, information and support for you and your child's health and development from your local Health Visiting Team.
There are 12 Health Visiting Teams in Kent and you can ring your local team Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays) for support. When you call, we’ll listen, answer any questions and signpost you on to other support if necessary. We are here to support on a range of issues including:
- infant feeding
- development or behaviour concerns
- healthy eating
- you and your baby/child’s emotional well being
- immunisations
- toileting
- sleep
- accident prevention.
If you have medical concerns about your child or yourself please call 111, your GP or if urgent call 999.
You can email healthvisitingappointments@nhs.net to change or amend an appointment.
You can contact your local team for support using the details below.
Ashford − 0300 123 3092 / kentchft.ashfordHV@nhs.net
Canterbury and Coastal − 0300 7900 156 / kentchft.canterburyHV@nhs.net
Dartford − 0300 123 2075 / kentchft.dartfordHV@nhs.net
Dover − 0300 1233018 / kentchft.doverHV@nhs.net
Gravesend − 0300 123 2076 / kentchft.gravesendHV@nhs.net
Maidstone − 0300 555 0506 / kentchft.maidstoneHV@nhs.net
Sevenoaks, Swanley and Edenbridge − 0300 123 4497 / kentchft.sevenoaksHV@nhs.net
Shepway − 0300 123 1240 / kentchft.shepwayHV@nhs.net
Swale − 0300 123 4014 / kentchft.swaleHV@nhs.net
Thanet − 0300 013 4740 / kentchft.thanetHV@nhs.net
Tonbridge and Malling − 0300 1233017 / kentchft.tonbridgemallingHV@nhs.net
Tunbridge Wells − 0300 790 0243 / kentchft.tunbridgewellsHV@nhs.net
Some of our appointments are offered virtually via phone or video calls. You can find out more about these and how to access your appointment on our website.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
Donate today, and help the NHS go above and beyond. Visit kentcht.nhs.uk/icare
If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.