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Top tips for safer swallowing

Published: 16/07/2024
Last edited: 16/07/2024
Code: 01082

Before you start:

  • Keep your mouth as clean and healthy as possible.
  • If you wear dentures make sure they are in place and secure.
  • Always sit as upright as possible, not tilted back or leaning to one side.
  • Avoid eating and drinking if you are very tired, drowsy or feeling very weak.
  • Never swallow with your head tilted back.
  • Reduce distractions: Turn off the TV, radio and mobile phone. Relaxing music may help.
  • Make sure that whatever you are eating or drinking is the correct consistency as advised by the speech and language therapist.
  • Avoid straws or spouted beakers unless specifically advised.

During the meal:

  • Don’t rush, take your time when you are eating and drinking.
  • Ensure that your mouthfuls are not too big.
  • Chew food carefully before swallowing.
  • Chew and swallow one mouthful at a time.
  • Make sure that the swallow has finished before reloading the fork or spoon.
  • Take small sips of fluid, don’t guzzle or gulp.
  • Avoid talking or laughing when eating or drinking.
  • Alternate a mouthful of food with a sip of fluid to help clear any leftover food from your mouth and throat.
  • Be observant and watch for warning signs that may indicate your swallowing has changed.
  • Please contact your speech and language therapist if anything has changed.

When you are finished:

  • Listen to your voice – if it sounds wet or gurgly, cough or throat clear and then swallow again to try and clear it.
  • After eating, check and clear any food that may remain in your cheeks or mouth.
  • Stay upright for at least 20 minutes.

Contact us

0300 123 0785

Please complete our Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Service referral form or you can be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.

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