Swallowing problem warning signs
Last edited: 16/07/2024
People can experience difficulty swallowing in many different ways.
Some signs are very important to watch out for as they may suggest an increased risk to health.
These signs might show:
- that food and/or drink is going down the ‘wrong hole’ and into the lungs instead of the stomach
- that the swallowing problem has changed or worsened
- a risk of weight loss or dehydration due to the swallowing difficulty.
What to look out for
- coughing or choking during or immediately after eating and drinking
- food sticking in your throat which is difficult to get down
- extra effort or time needed to chew or swallow
- Food or liquid leaking from the mouth
- wet or ‘gurgly’ sounding voice during or after eating or drinking
- feeling that you need to keep clearing your throat when eating or drinking
- repeated chest infections, chesty cough or high temperatures
- weight loss or dehydration from not being able to eat or drink enough.
If you notice any of the signs or symptoms listed above or if there are any changes to your swallowing since your last swallowing assessment, please contact your speech and language therapist or your GP.
Contact us
0300 123 0785
Please complete our Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Service referral form or you can be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
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TN25 4AZ
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