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Strengthening exercises for children

Published: 09/12/2024
Last edited: 09/12/2024
Code: 01045

A guide about strengthening exercises for children

These activities should be easy. The goals are…

• perfect position
• no wobbling
• hold the position for at least 30 seconds.


Basic position:

• Lie on your back, with your knees bent and arms crossed, behind your head, in front of you or in the air.
• Lift your bottom up as high as possible and hold the position for as long as possible.

Advanced position:

Once the basic position is easy, try doing it with one leg straight out in front.

Hold ________  Repeat ________


• Evenly distribute your weight on your hands and knees.
• Gradually lift your leg.
• If you are able to do this 15 times without wobbling, while holding for 30 seconds on each side, then lift your leg and opposite arm together.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Clam-gluteal strengthening

• Lie on your side, with your hips and shoulders straight. No twisting.
• Bend your knees at about 90 degrees and keep your feet in line with your bottom.
• Keep your ankles together and raise and lower your knee.
• Do not let your hips roll back.
• Move in a slow and controlled manner.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Frog jumping

• Bend your knees and squat all the way to the floor (like a frog).
• Jump as high as you can from the frog position.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Single knee squat

• Take one foot off the floor.
• Bend one knee and leg to seated position.
• Try to keep your knee over your second toe and your hip stable.
• Move in a slow and controlled manner back to standing again.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Wall squat

• Stand with your bottom, shoulders and head touching the wall.
• Point your feet straight ahead and a little out from the wall.
• Gently squeeze a ball between your knees.
• Slide down the wall to a seated position (never lower than this).
• Hold for five seconds.
• Gently slide back up to the starting position.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

A demonstration of how to do heel rises exercisesDouble heel raise

• Stand facing the wall.
• Put your hands flat against the wall to steady yourself.
• Go onto tip-toes, keeping your legs straight (it is important to go all the way up).
• Gently lower yourself back down.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Single heel raise

• Stand facing the wall.
• Put your hands flat against the wall to steady yourself.
• Take one foot off the floor (and keep it off the floor).
• Go onto tip-toes, keeping your leg straight (it is important to go all the way up).
• Gently lower yourself back down.

Hold ________  Repeat ________


• Put the exercise band around your foot.
• Turn your foot outwards with the toes pointing up slightly (as if you were looking at the sole of your foot).

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Penguin walking

• Turn your feet outward, so your heels are touching.
• Walk with your feet in this position. Start indoors and slowly build it up.

Toe tapping

• Cross your legs while sitting on a chair.
• Tap the foot which is hanging up and down to some music.

Hold ________  Repeat ________


• Stand on one leg.

Hold ________  Repeat ________

Advanced position:

Once the basic position is easy try:

• closing your eyes and holding the pose for 30 seconds
• going up onto tip-toes without holding on and hold the pose for 30 seconds
• picking things up from the floor while on one foot.

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