Strengthening exercises
Last edited: 10/12/2024
A guide for patients about strengthening exercises
Gluteal exercise
Lay on your side. Bend both legs in front of you.
Slowly open the top leg, making sure your body doesn’t tip backwards, while keeping the feet together. Slowly return the leg down.
The feet need to be touching.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Outer thigh exercise
Lay on your side. Keep the leg on the bed bent and the upper leg straight.
Lift the upper leg straight up, ankle bent and foot pointing towards the floor.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Knee exercise one
Stand with your feet shoulder distance apart with toes pointing outwards.
Bend your knees so each knee is over the second toe. Straighten your legs keeping your back straight and bottom tucked in.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Knee exercise two
Stand against a wall with your feet away from the wall and knees slightly bent. Place a ball between your knees. Squeeze the ball between your knees, bend your knees keeping your knee position over the second toes and lower yourself down to a sitting position. Straighten your legs slowly keeping the ball in position.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Front of leg exercise
Put an exercise band around your foot (attach it to the leg of a chair).
Pull your foot up towards your body, then return back to starting position.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Heel rises
Stand with your hands against a wall. Take one foot off the ground. Rise slowly onto tip toe keeping your knees straight. Slowly go back down again. If you cannot manage to go into full tip toe, you may need to do this with both feet for the first couple of weeks.
Repeat _____________ times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
Outer foot exercise
Put an exercise band around your foot. Turn your foot outwards with the toes pointing up slightly (as if you were looking at the sole of your foot).
Repeat _____________times.
Repeat _____________ times a day.
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