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School Health Service

Published: 11/08/2021
Last edited: 22/12/2022
Code: 00698

What is the School Health Service?

The School Health Service takes over from the Health Visiting Service when your child starts school. We see children and young people until they are 19 years and help them reach their full potential.

When your child starts school you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire online. This helps us get to know you and your child, so we can offer the best support.

We can help with:

  • sleeping problems
  • hearing and eyesight - hearing can be tested on request and eyesight will be checked in the reception year
  • weight and height - we do the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) in Reception year and year 6 (unless you have opted out)
  • emotional health and wellbeing
  • wetting the bed and day wetting
  • difficult or worrying behaviour
  • healthy eating and eating problems
  • worries and troubles - including moving schools
  • bullying problems
  • puberty and growing up
  • sexual health
  • relationship advice
  • smoking, drugs and alcohol
  • health promotion activities
  • parenting advice
  • other health problems, including long-term conditions
  • referrals to other services for more complex health needs.

Promoting and protecting the wellbeing of young people

The School Health Service is here to support you and your child until they turn 19.  If you need some support, are concerned or want to talk about your child's health, just get in touch.

Young people aged 11 to 19 can see us at a drop-in session. These are advertised at the schools or colleges we support.

My child doesn't attend school. Can you help?

Yes. If your child doesn't attend school, if they are in hospital or if they are home educated, we can still support them and you. Just get in touch with us.

Who's in the team?

Our team consists of counsellors, registered nurses, school health assistants, health improvement practitioners and administrators.

Contact us

If you have any concerns, you don’t need to wait for us to visit your child’s school, you can contact us at any time. You can also use our services if your child is not attending school.

Phone 0300 123 5205 and select option two.

Parents/carers can complete an online referral form. You will receive a confirmation email that your referral has been submitted. If you don't get an email within a few minutes, check your junk folder in case it has gone there or call 0300 123 5205 and select option two to speak to a member of the team.

Young people aged 11 to 19 can text ChatHealth to have direct access to a nurse (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) on 07520 618850. This service is confidential and anonymous.

Nursing Times Award 2020 image

You can find lots of helpful information to support your child's development, and keep them healthy and safe in our Kent Child and Kent Teen sections of the Kent Family website. Check out young people's websites HealthforTeens and Moodspark.


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