Rapid Transfer Service
Last edited: 18/01/2024
Who we are
We are a service supporting complex discharges. We consist of multidisciplinary and multiskilled professionals, working to provide the best possible care for you when you are discharged from hospital.
Our multidisciplinary team includes representatives from the NHS – Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (KCHFT) and East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) – as well as Kent County Council and the voluntary sector who we work in partnership with.
We understand going home after a stay in hospital may not be easy for everyone, which is why we are here. Our priority is to make sure you are in the right place at the right time for the best recovery possible. The best place for recovery is at home where you can continue to recover in a familiar environment.
All our referrals initially come via the hospital wards. Once we are told you may need our help to go home or that your home environment may not be suitable to meet your needs, we will get in touch with you before you are discharged from hospital. We will involve you and your family members in decision-making, if that is what you want.
After that we will work very closely with you and your family to support you and offer you suitable options, based on your needs.
Pathway one
This is a short-term assessment service for patients who have been transferred from hospital back to their home and need assessment for longer-term health and social care needs. This will be provided by Urgent Care Services (KCHFT), or Home First (KCHFT and KCC), or Kent Enablement At
How we can help
- We will provide carers to visit you in your own home and you will have a full assessment within 48 hours to plan for your longer-term care needs.
- Patients are prioritised based on clinical need.
- Visit times are 8 to 11.30am, 12noon to 2.30pm and 4 to 9pm. Specific time slots cannot be guaranteed.
- Your care package may change, depending on your needs.
- For ongoing care needs, you will be referred to social services and this may include a care needs assessment which can involve a financial assessment.
- If you have any queries once discharged, you can contact us.
Pathway two
If you require further rehabilitation or a period of recovery before returning home, you will be referred to one of our community hospitals or a care home setting to continue your recovery period. This can be anywhere in east Kent dependent on available beds.
Pathway three
This offers an assessment period in a temporary placement within a care home in east Kent. This is to help identify your long-term care needs and help you recover.
How we can help
- For this assessment period we will try to find a care home in your chosen east Kent area, however, due to capacity and demand the care home which can meet your needs may be anywhere in Kent.
- We aim to have your care needs assessed by a multi-disciplinary team, which includes a clinical nurse specialist for older people, social services and NHS continuing healthcare assessors.
- Your long-term care needs will be identified and agreed with you and your family.
- Our service is an NHS care and assessment service. For ongoing social care needs, you will be referred to social services where your financial situation may be assessed. Ongoing health needs may be assessed by NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Contact details
Visit www.kentcht.nhs.uk/homefirst
Our team is based across three main sites:
- Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Available 8am to 5pm
01227 864039 or 07500 078345 - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital, Margate
Available 8am to 5pm
01843 234412 or 07979 802278 - William Harvey Hospital, Ashford
Available 8am to 5pm
01233 616046 or 07500 074514
You can also contact:
- Local Referral Unit
Available 8am to 10pm
0300 123 1855 - Hilton Nursing Partners
01233 321110
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
Donate today, and help the NHS go above and beyond. Visit kentcht.nhs.uk/icare
If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.