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Oesophageal cancer: Managing swallowing difficulties

Published: 04/08/2021
Last edited: 16/12/2022
Code: 01062

Most people with oesophageal cancer find that they have difficulty swallowing at some time. This will vary from person to person and will depend on the type and position of the tumour, how advanced the disease is and the treatment you have.

Some people may be offered a feeding tube or a stent, if swallowing becomes very difficult. You will be given individualised advice if this applies to you.

It is not unusual for your ability to swallow to fluctuate from day to day, month to month and treatment to treatment. This advice sheet aims to provide you with enough information to help you to cope with the variation in your ability to swallow.

Some solid foods when chewed well will be easier to swallow than others. For example, cheese will ‘melt’ when chewed but bread will form a sticky lump. Therefore, you may be able to eat the solid version of one food but not another.

To help we would suggest that you:

  • take your time and eat slowly
  • take small mouthfuls
  • chew your food as thoroughly as possible
  • have a drink at hand.

Be sensible, if you cannot manage a certain food avoid it until your swallowing improves and if in doubt spit it out!

Suitable foods

The following tables will help you to choose foods that are suitable for you. Try to eat as wide a variety as possible.

Please note you may be asked to avoid certain foods when you are undergoing chemotherapy.

Information about fortifying your food can be found in the Macmillan Cancer Support booklets:

  • The Building-Up Diet
  • Eating Problems and Cancer
  • Recipes from Macmillan Cancer Support.

These are available from your dietitian or


Food Foods to take care with Normal and soft foods à Easy to swallow foods and liquids                                                     
  • Tough, gristly or big cuts of meat
  • Hard, crispy meat such as chops, steak and bacon
  • Sausages and burgers
  • Tender cuts of meat
  • Finely minced or chopped meats
  • Casseroles or stew
  • Have with gravy or sauce
  • Pastes and pate
  • Meat pureed with plenty of gravy or sauce
  • Blended meat-based soups
  • Bony fish
  • Crumbed and battered fish
  • Shellfish such as mussels, oysters, cockles and winkles
  • Calamari, squid and octopus
  • Fish fillets
  • Poached, steamed and boil in the bag fish with sauce/butter
  • Prawns
  • Fish cakes or crumbed fish with sauce
  • Fish pie with extra sauce
  • Finely flaked fish with sauce
  • Fish mousse and pate
  • Taramasalata
  • Chopped shellfish with mayonnaise, such as dressed crab and prawn cocktail
  • Blended fish/seafood-based soups
  • Fried eggs
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Hard-boiled egg mashed with mayonnaise, butter and salad cream
  • Scrambled
  • Softly poached
  • Soft boiled
  • Souffle
  • Lightly cooked omelette
  • Egg custard
  • Thin egg custard
  • Chunks of hard cheese
  • Cheese rind such as brie and camembert
  • Cheese on toast
  • Grated hard cheese
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cream cheese
  • Cheese spread
  • Soft cheeses
  • Cheese sauce
Bread and

bakery products

  • Fresh bread
  • Crusty bread
  • Hard pastry
  • Bagels and hot cross buns
  • Doughnut
  • Yorkshire pudding
  • Flapjack and brownies
  • Biscuits with nuts and dried fruit
  • Well-buttered toast, day old bread and wholemeal bread
  • Dunk bread into soups and sauces
  • Croissants
  • Soft cakes, muffins and sponge cake
  • Cookies, shortbread and biscuits
  • Bread crumbled into soups and sauces
  • Dunked biscuits
  • Bread sauce
  • Meringues
Breakfast cereals
  • Cereals with added fruit and/or nuts
  • Coarse cereals such as muesli, oat crunch cereal, puffed wheat, shredded wheat and all bran
  • All other cereals
  • Add lots of milk to soften if necessary
  • Porridge, hot oat cereals such as Ready Brek, Oat So Simple
  • Weetabix and Oatibix
  • Thin, smooth porridge
  • Rice pudding made with flaked rice
Potatoes, rice and pasta
  • Crispy chips
  • Roast potatoes
  • Potato skins
  • Well cooked pasta and rice
  • Mashed potato
  • The inside of a jacket potato
  • Cous cous
  • Smooth, creamed potato
  • Well cooked pasta with sauce, such as macaroni cheese
  • Tinned spaghetti in sauce
  • Potato, rice or pasta blended into soups
  • Chunks of raw or stringy vegetables
  • Lightly steamed, boiled or microwaved vegetables
  • Well cooked vegetables
  • Finely grated raw vegetables
  • Baked beans and other pulses
  • Puree or mashed vegetables such as parsnip, swede, carrots, butternut squash
  • Creamed spinach
  • Mushy peas
  • Dahl
  • Pease pudding
  • Houmous
  • Guacamole
  • Vegetable pate
  • Vegetable juice
  • Creamed vegetable soup
  • Vegetable broth
  • Smooth lentil soup
  • Blended vegetable soups
  • Hard fruit such as unripe pears, melon or apple
  • Dried fruit
  • Fibrous, pithy fruit such as, pineapple or citrus fruit
  • Soft peeled fruit
  • Tinned fruit
  • Stewed fruit
  • Mashed fruit
  • Puree fruit
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Fruit coulis
  • Hard pastry
  • Puddings with dried fruit and nuts
  • Milk puddings
  • Yoghurt with lumps of fruit
  • Jelly
  • Sponge puddings and moist cake
  • Ice cream or sorbet with added fruit/chocolate
  • Fruit crumble
  • Trifle
  • Cheesecake
  • Tiramisu
  • See fruit section, serve with custard, ice cream or double cream
  • Smooth yoghurt/ fromage frais
  • Smooth milk puddings such as semolina and custard
  • Mousse, creme caramel, whips
  • Meringue with cream
  • Ice cream
  • Thin custard
  • Cream
  • See fruit section
  • Smooth sorbet
  • Yoghurt drinks
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Sweets such as boiled sweets, jellies, gums, toffees which you may accidentally swallow
  • Chocolate with fruit/nuts
  • Biscuits and crackers
  • Crisps/pretzels
  • Chocolate
  • Smooth peanut butter
  • Ritz and Tuc biscuits
  • Dunked biscuits
  • Wotsits, Skips, Quavers and cheese puffs
  • Prawn Crackers
  • Chocolate spread, smooth jam, marmalade, preserves honey, golden syrup
  • Mayonnaise, salad cream, dressings
  • Sauces
  • Butter, margarine and oils
  • All squashes and soft drinks
  • Alcohol (consult your doctor)
  • Milk/milkshakes
  • Complan/
  • Meritene Shake
  • Prescribable supplement drinks
  • Strained Cup a Soup, Meritene soup or Complan soup
  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt drinks
  • Ovaltine
  • Hot chocolate
  • Horlicks
  • Milky coffee


Contact us

Please contact the service though our Central Appointments Team:

0300 123 0861

Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm

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