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Published: 03/01/2023
Last edited: 04/01/2023
Code: 00533

You have been prescribed insoles as part of your treatment. Although the insoles may feel uncomfortable until you get used to them, they should not cause any pain. If they do, stop wearing them, make another appointment and bring the insoles to that appointment.

The insoles are designed to be worn in shoes securely fastened with a strap or laces.

Do not wear the insoles for any sporting activity until you are comfortable wearing them all day for normal activities. They should not be worn for any activity which involves jumping. There is a risk the insole could slip forward in the shoe which could hurt your heel when you land.

If you feel the insoles are slipping in your shoe, you can apply sticky-back velcro to the bottom of the heel of the insole and the inside heel of the shoe.

To get used to the insoles, follow the guidelines from your healthcare professional.

Continue to build up the time wearing them, until you are comfortable wearing the insoles all day.

Contact us

0300 123 1540
Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital, King Edward Avenue, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 6EB

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm

Clinical services are provided from the podiatric day surgery unit in Herne Bay.

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