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Ideas to get your message across

Published: 26/11/2022
Last edited: 15/12/2022
Code: 00582
  • Think of another way to communicate it…

    • write
    • first letter
    • draw
    • gesture.
  • Think of a category, such as “drink”.

  • Think of a type of word “it’s an object”.

  • Think of another word “a brew” or ”Tetley”.

  • Describe it “it’s a hot drink”.

Pictures showing how to get your message across for leaflet 00582

  • Can you draw it?
  • Can you point to it?
  • Can you use a gesture?
  • Can you write it?
  • Can you say it?

Picture version of tactics to get your message across for leaflet 00582


Finding the right words

If you can’t think of the right word, these are some things you could try.

  • Describe it.
  • Think of another word that means the same sort of thing.
  • Think about the category and type of word. For example:
    • is a person’s name?
    • is it an object?
    • is it something you do?
  • Is there another way to communicate it? For example:
    • writing
    • drawing
    • gesturing.

Contact us

0300 123 0785

Please complete our Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Service referral form or you can be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.

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