Herne Bay wound centre
Last edited: 29/07/2024
The wound centre is at Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital (QVMH). We provide a service for patients who are seeing the Long-Term Conditions Team.
We see patients with complex wounds, acute wounds and leg ulcers. A team of wound care nurses, supported by the Tissue Viability Specialist Team and other multi-professional colleagues aim to provide a holistic approach to care. To help provide good quality care, individual treatment plans are discussed and agreed with patients.
How to access the service
Your community nurse will need to refer you.
What to expect
Following your referral you will receive an appointment at the clinic for your first assessment. During the assessment a nurse will ask some questions, including your past medical history and current medications. Please bring a list of these to help the assessment process.
The nurse will carry out a thorough assessment of your wound, including measurements and photos to help assist the care planning process. Following the assessment the nurse will involve you in the treatment plan and explain the treatment regime. They will also give you information on how frequently need to attend the centre and will book appointments with you before you leave if required.
The Wound Care Team also have the ability to support your care with the use of advanced technology systems and equipment while you are at the centre. If the nurse feels you require specialist treatment or advice, you may be asked to return to the centre for an appointment with the tissue viability nurse.
The team
The team is made up of:
- tissue viability nurse specialist
- nurses
- healthcare assistants.
Expert advice is also available from podiatry (feet), dermatology (hair, skin and nails) and lymphoedema (build-up of fluid that causes swelling) if required.
Our goals
Your experience and involvement in your care is important to us. With the expertise and treatment provided we aim to get you back on track by:
- healing your wound or providing you with a long-term management plan
- providing after care advice to prevent your wound from re-occurring
- identifying any factors that may prevent your wound from healing.
Contact us
Local referral unit
You can get in touch directly by contacting our Local Referral Unit, open 24/7, 365 days a year. The local referral unit takes both urgent and non-urgent referrals for our community services in the east and west Kent localities.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
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