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Help with the cost of living

Published: 01/12/2022
Last edited: 20/12/2022
Code: 01221

Cost of living and debt advice

  • Kent Together can direct to the right service, call 03000 41 92 92(text relay 18001 03000 41 92 92)
  • Citizen’s Advice can give lots of information about grants and benefits you may be entitled to and help people on a low income
  • Trussell Trust can help you find a local food bank or 0808 208 2138
  • If you are pregnant or have young children, you may be eligible for Healthy Start vouchers
  • Optivo provide free guidance to reduce debts
  • Kent Savers can help you feel more in control of your finances
  • Kent Support and Assistance Service (KSAS) can offer support if you experience an unforeseen, short-term crisis and offer an emergency welfare scheme. may be able to get help with:
    • groceries, for up to seven days
    • baby food, milk and nappies
    • furniture, such as beds and seating
    • crockery
    • bedding, curtains and carpets
    • essential electrical appliances, for example a fridge and/or cooking appliance
    • clothing
    • utilities, including prepayment gas and electric for up to seven days
    • emergency travel arrangements via public transport, for example to flee a crisis.

Help with housing

  • Canterbury Housing Advice Centre (Canterbury District only) provide a free, confidential, independent and impartial advice service on a wide range of housing issues and problems including homelessness, accessing accommodation in the public, private and voluntary sectors, repossession, landlord/tenant issues and housing benefit. They also assist those who become, or are about to become, homeless to find alternative accommodation or 01227 762 605
  • Porchlight

Help with domestic abuse

  • Details of local support in Kent and Medway
  • Children and young people can call ChildLine 24/7. Calls to 0800 1111are free and confidential. You can also get information online
  • Women can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247, and men the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 8010 327 for free at any time, day or night
  • You can also speak to Kent Police on the non-emergency telephone number 101, but if you are at immediate risk call 999

Help for carers

Social prescribing

  • Involve Kent (Maidstone) tackle the root causes of ill health, including isolation, loneliness, disadvantage and frailty
  • Connect Well East Kent support people to live independently and safely in their own homes, linking people with local services in their community. This is a community navigation service, who work by offering phone support in the first instance and signposting if/where appropriate. If further support is needed, they can refer onto a team of community navigators who offer up to 12 weeks support on a one-to-one basis. Covers Aylesham, Ashford, Canterbury, Deal, Dover, Faversham, Folkestone, Herne Bay, Hythe, Romney Marsh, Sandwich, Thanet, Whitstable or can support with:
    • benefits
    • housing
    • daily living
    • some aids and adaptions
    • information and advice
    • befriending
    • social isolation
    • meals on wheels.

Veterans’ support

  • SSAFA the Armed Forces charity, help the armed forces community in a number of ways, by providing direct support to individuals in need of physical or emotional care but also with addiction, relationship breakdown, debit, homelessness, post-traumatic stress, depression and disability

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