Excessive and watery saliva
Last edited: 15/12/2022
Here are some tips to manage excessive and watery saliva.
Try to sit in a good position with your head upright, if your head tips forward you are more likely to leak saliva from your mouth.
Try to keep your mouth closed when reading, listening or watching TV.
Remember to swallow regularly, you can either swallow your saliva or take small sips of water regularly to stop saliva building up. Swallow reminders are available, ask your speech and language therapist for more information.
Keep a tissue handy and try to dab, rather than wipe saliva away, this will cause less irritation.
Use Vaseline or another barrier cream to prevent skin around the mouth getting sore.
Try sipping ginger or sage tea, some people find this helpful.
Make sure your mouth is clean and brush your teeth, tongue and gums at least twice a day.
If you are still struggling to manage your excessive and watery saliva speak to your GP about medicines that may be useful.
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