Edenbridge Wellbeing Centre
Last edited: 19/12/2023
Edenbridge Wellbeing Centre
The wellbeing centre is in Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre and welcomes people with long-term conditions, dementia and elderly people who need support to better care for themselves.
To be eligible to attend you must be registered with a medical practice in west Kent.
Referrals to attend the day centre can come from a doctor, a healthcare professional or neighbouring community hospital.
Following a referral, a member of the wellbeing centre team will arrange an assessment; this will provide them with information relating to your needs. It’s also an opportunity to discuss the criteria to attend and how the wellbeing centre can support.
There is plenty of free parking available at the health centre if a friend or relative is able to provide transport. Subject to transport criteria transport may be available but there is minimal availability.
A therapeutic programme of care and activities is offered. This includes topical discussions, daily national newspapers, quizzes and games, craft and gardening. Clients benefit from social interaction, while the centre offers some respite for carers and relatives. A pet therapy dog will attend weekly to meet and greet you.
The wellbeing centre nursing team will carry out regular minor observations and health checks, including blood pressure and can support you to find out more about other health and social care providers.
At present, the wellbeing centre team needs to plan in advance and know numbers attending to make sure the centre can accommodate everyone comfortably.
A hot lunch and refreshments are provided at a cost.
Opening times
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10am to 3pm
Tuesday: 10am to 2.30pm
You can call the wellbeing centre directly on 01732 904673
Contact us
Four Elms Road, Edenbridge, TN8 6FY
Reception is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Phone number
Main reception: 01732 865055
Site lead: Sherree Kempton.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
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If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.