Curly toes (children)
Last edited: 10/09/2024
A guide for parents about your child’s curly toes
What are curly toes?
One or more toes lying underneath the next toe. Curly toes are present from birth and often affect the third, fourth and fifth toes.
What are the causes?
Curly toes are caused because the tendon underneath the toe is too tight and is pulling the toe out-of-line.
We do not know what causes the condition but similar foot shapes can be passed through families.
What are the symptoms?
Curly toes do not normally cause any pain, but can rub on footwear. They can make it difficult to find or wear certain shoes. It is more a visual concern as one or more toes are lying underneath the next toe.
What are the treatments?
Curly toes often require no treatment. Other treatments may include, massage to stretch the tendon, removal splints or if the curly toes are very severe, surgery may be an option.
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