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Community Rehabilitation Team

Published: 19/08/2024
Last edited: 11/07/2024
Code: 00013

About us

The Community Rehabilitation Team provides short-term rehabilitation to enable you to remain in the community. Evidence shows that home is the best place to recover and regain your independence. Enablement and rehabilitation will be the main focus in your personalised plan, which will require your participation for you to regain your ideal level of ability.

We aim to…

  • enable you to live as independently as possible and support rehabilitation in the community, involving other agencies when necessary
  • help with early supported discharge from hospital and rehabilitation in the community
  • actively involve you and your family and/or carers in your rehabilitation programme. Your personalised care plan (PCP) will be created in discussion with you or your nominated advocate.

Who will be involved in your care?

A full assessment of your needs will be completed at your initial visit. Following this, the healthcare professionals below may be involved in your care. They will discuss their assessments with you and anything you agree together will be written in your personalised care plan (PCP).


Will devise an achievable programme with you, to improve areas such as muscle strength, mobility and balance. With your participation, this will improve your ability to perform daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs and going out.

Occupational therapist (OT)

Can assist you to achieve your full potential in daily living activities. This may include personal care, domestic tasks or leisure interests. This can be achieved by practising and adapting tasks to build your confidence and independence. The OT can support with areas, such as memory, concentration, anxiety, depression and problem solving. The OT can assess for and provide suitable equipment and home adaptations to increase your independence.


Will support your health, which may include blood pressure monitoring, wound management, overview of medication, blood tests and fall assessments.

Available within the falls clinic, Herne Bay.

Advanced support worker and healthcare assistants

Can visit you to support you with your personalised care plan (PCP).

Other agencies

The Community Rehabilitation Team liaises with social services, your GP, voluntary services and any other appropriate agencies to support your needs.

Contact us

Contact one of the teams from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm:

East Kent: 0300 7900 389
West Kent: 0300 123 4081

For the rapid response in east Kent, please see the Acute Response Team page.

For the rapid response in west Kent, please see the Urgent Care Team (West Kent) page.

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