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Cirrhosis of the liver: 50g carbohydrate snacks

Published: 04/08/2021
Last edited: 16/12/2022
Code: 01169

Why do I need this?

If you have cirrhosis of the liver, your liver is unable to store and use energy correctly. When your body runs out of energy, it will look to an alternative source – your muscles. You may have already noticed muscle wasting and reduced strength.

This means you will require more energy and protein in your diet. We advise having a small meal or snack every two to three hours to meet your calorie and protein requirements.

It also means that you need to have a bedtime snack to make sure your body has enough energy overnight and to help minimise further muscle loss. Have a snack that contains 50g of carbohydrates (CHO).

50g carbohydrate snack ideas

  • two slices of toast with butter and jam or marmalade.
  • 40g of cereal with full fat milk.
  • 200ml glass of full fat milk with a 30g packet of crisps.
  • Powdered-style nutritional supplement made up with full fat milk, for example Aymes/Ensure shake.
  • A banana with three of four biscuits.
  • Mug of Horlicks or hot chocolate with two to three chocolate biscuits.
  • A toasted muffin with butter and one pot of fruit yogurt.
  • Nutritional supplement drink, such as Altraplen/Ensure Compact with  one or two biscuits.
  • Two 45g chocolate bars.
  • Half a tin of rice pudding with one tablespoon of jam.
  • Slice of cake with custard or icecream.
  • Two sausage rolls or four 50g mini pork pies.
  • Two crumpets with butter, jam or chocolate spread.
  • A jam doughnut with a glass of full fat milk.
  • Seven or eight crackers with butter.
  • A pot noodle.
  • Half a tin of baked beans with a slice of toast.

If you are diabetic and concerned about the effects some of these foods may have on your blood glucose levels, please discuss this with your dietitian and diabetes nurse.

Contact us

Please contact the service though our Central Appointments Team:

0300 123 0861

Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm

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