Children’s Specialist Epilepsy Nursing Service
Last edited: 20/12/2022
Who we are and what we do
A specialist epilepsy nurse works exclusively with children and young people with epilepsy and their families.
They are part of the Community Children’s Nursing Team. The team works in partnership to support families and educate children and young people with epilepsy.
We work closely with consultant paediatricians to make sure we meet the needs of the young people who have a diagnosis of epilepsy and are dealing with seizures.
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects how the brain works and causes the body to experience seizures.
There are two main seizure types:
Focal seizures occur when the electrical disturbance is focussed in just one part of the brain. This means the type of seizure will depend on exactly where in the brain it comes from and what functions that area of the brain are responsible for. Seizures may be different depending on the area of the brain that is involved.
Generalised seizures occur when large areas of the brain are affected by the abnormal electrical disturbance and the person becomes unconscious. In some cases, the period when the person is unconscious can be very brief and may be missed or it could be prolonged and emergency treatment may be needed.
Treatment for seizures is designed to reduce the amount that occur in number and severity. The children’s specialist epilepsy nurse will support you with treatment options that have been prescribed by your consultant.
Referral criteria
- Children and young people from birth to 19-years-olds.
- Young people should be in full-time education.
- Epilepsy may not be their only condition.
- Additional complex health need or disability involving seizures.
- Young people who are about to transition to adult services.
If you would like to make a referral, please contact us.
How can we help?
- Key point of contact between nurseries, schools, colleges, clinics and hospitals.
- Empowering parents and carers by assisting in keeping your child out of hospital.
- Providing training, care plans and advice about emergency medication.
- We aim to raise awareness of epilepsy to reduce the stigma associated with it.
- Assisting with the impact of epilepsy on daily life.
- Supporting young people with the transition to adult services.
Contact us
0300 123 1553
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
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