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Bunion night splints for children

Published: 09/09/2024
Last edited: 09/09/2024
Code: 01048

A guide for parents about your child’s bunion night splints

What is a bunion?

A bunion or juvenile hallux abducto-valgus (HAV) is a condition that affects children. The big toe (hallux) moves towards the second toe causing the big toe joint to stick out.

Bunions in early childhood are not usually painful and your child will not necessarily develop pain in the future.

a normal foot and a foot with a bunion

What causes a bunion?

There are many reasons why a bunion develops but it is not fully understood. It is generally believed that a strong family history and feet that are excessively rolling inward (pronated) may be factors in the development of a bunion.

What treatment is available?

If your child has a painful bunion we may give them night splints. They help to stop the bunion developing further. To be effective, the splint must be worn each night until your child’s feet have stopped growing. Other treatment options may include footwear advice and insoles.

Your podiatrist will be able to advise you about the best form of treatment or self-management.

Will the night splint get rid of my child’s bunion?

Unfortunately there is no research to suggest that anything can be done to prevent or improve a bunion.

The night splint may help to stop it getting worse, if worn consistently at night.

How do I clean the night splint?

The night splint can be cleaned using a damp cloth or baby wipe.

What should I do if the night splint causes my child pain?

Some discomfort may occur on the first few nights the splint is being worn, while you get use to the device.

If you notice any redness, blisters or irritation to the skin, or you have grown out of the night splint please stop using the device immediately and contact the clinic for an appointment.

Contact us

0300 123 6756

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

For referrals please complete our Podiatry self referral form, or download our paper-based Podiatry self-referral form and email to

Should you wish to cancel your appointment please phone 0300 123 6756 or email

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