Anticipatory care medication (just in case box)
Last edited: 20/12/022
A healthcare professional looking after you may have left a just in case box in your home. This box contains some medicines which have been prescribed for you just in case you need them, especially during the night or at the weekend when your GP practice or local pharmacy is closed. These medicines are usually given by injection to help relieve pain, sickness, anxiety and other symptoms that may be experienced towards the end of life. Your healthcare professional or GP will talk to you and your family and/or carer about the box when they bring it to the house.
What’s in the box?
The box contains some injections that a healthcare professional or doctor may give, if needed, to relieve symptoms you may experience. A prescription chart will be left with the box. The box also contains items such as needles and syringes which are required to give these injections.
What happens if someone uses the medicine in the box?
The healthcare professional or doctor will only give you what has been prescribed for you. They will keep a record of any medicines that are given to you. The box contains enough medication to last until more can be supplied if needed.
Where should I leave the box?
Remember to keep the box in a safe place. Your healthcare professional will advise you on the best place.
The just in case box should be stored out of sight and out of the reach of children.
What do I have to do now?
You don’t need to do anything. You and your family and/or carer can relax, knowing that you won’t have to worry about trying to get hold of medicines if you need them outside of normal working hours.
If you start to have any symptoms you should continue to take your usual medicines, for example, painkillers usually taken by mouth to see if this helps. If they do not help, you, your family or carer can phone your GP, community nurse or the out-of-hours service for advice. The GP or community nurse will discuss your symptoms with you, your family and/or carer to decide the best treatment for you. If you're unable to swallow your medication or are being sick, then the GP or community nurse may give you an injection from your just in case box of medicines.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
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