Accufuser intravenous therapy at home
Last edited: 19/12/2022
This leaflet has been produced to help you and give you key points about your Accufuser intravenous (IV) medication device. It is not meant to replace the information previously discussed between you and your GP or healthcare professional.
What is an Accufuser IV medication device?
It is an infusion system which will deliver your intravenous (IV) medication over a period at a controlled rate. It will provide you with a comfortable, safe and reliable medicine delivery system, which will allow you to continue with your daily life.
It is usually connected to a PICC line, and allows your medication to be delivered directly into your blood stream.
How does it work?
The Accufuser is filled with medication you have been prescribed and a small balloon, which provides enough pressure to infuse the drug. The medicine being delivered is measured in millilitres (ml) per hour.
Where should I wear it?
It can be worn anywhere on your body that is most comfortable for you, for example in a handbag, a pocket or in the carrying case. The main thing to consider is selecting a place which is not only comfortable for yourself, but allows it to be protected from sunlight, water, extreme temperatures and damage.
Do I need to do anything to it?
No, it has been designed to function without you having to do anything, however, it is a good idea to occasionally check to make sure it is flowing and there is no obvious damage or leaks. If you do identify a problem, please contact your nursing team.
What should I do if I notice the medication is not reducing over time?
Check the clamp – as shown in the picture above – and make sure it is open, the line is connected to the vascular access line and make sure there are no bends or twists. These can cause problems in the infusion rate. Also check the filter for bubbles. These can easily be removed by tapping it gently.
If you cannot identify any problems, please contact your nursing team as soon as possible.
How do I protect the filter while washing?
It is important you keep the filter dry at all times. You can bath but you must make sure you keep your Accufuser and the infusion line away from water. Remember, if you decide to cover the device while bathing, you must make sure it does not restrict the filter from functioning properly.
Does it matter if I get it hot or cold?
It needs to be kept at room temperature at all times. Please avoid exposure to sunlight and extreme cold.
Do I need to clean it?
Your visiting nursing team will advise you how to keep your Accufuser clean.
Never use any substances to clean your Accufuser which may contain chemicals and/or alcohol. These can cause damage to the casing or the infusion line.
Can I wash the carrying case?
Yes, this is a small bag provided as a reusable accessory. The bag can be hand-washed in a light soapy solution but you must make sure it is completely dry before use.
Is my Accufuser reusable?
No, it should only ever be used once and then disposed of by your nurse. Your visiting nursing team will bring a new Accufuser every 24 hours.
What happens if it disconnects?
Firstly, do not panic. Contact the visiting nursing team which will advise what needs to happen.
It is important you follow these instructions and/or those of the visiting nursing team. If you do not, the Accufuser may not work as intended and your treatment could be affected.
Contact us
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East Kent
Ashford: 0300 123 0915
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Shepway: 0300 123 1943
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West Kent
0300 123 1950
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01622 235300
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