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A guide to your 11 to 18-year-old Looked After Children’s Service health assessment

Published: 19/07/2024
Last edited: 19/07/2024
Code:  01134

What is a health assessment?

A health assessment is an opportunity to speak to a healthcare professional about things that may affect and influence your health, along with any worries you may have. The assessment takes place once a year on a weekday, between 9am and 5pm. It’s usually in a clinic but we can offer another location if that is more suitable.

We will request information from your social worker, GP, and if appropriate, other health care providers.

We want to make sure all your health needs are being met and that you have a GP, dentist, optician and that your immunisations are up to date. If needed, we can refer and liaise with other health agencies to keep you fit and healthy.

It is your health assessment, and your wishes and feelings are very important to us. We will listen to you and offer support where needed.

Why do I need a health assessment?

The law requires that all children and young people who are looked after, have a health assessment. Most review health assessments are carried out by a trained nurse. Occasionally, if you have ongoing health concerns, a doctor may see you.

What happens at the health assessment?

Mostly the assessment is a relaxed chat between you and the nurse. Your parent, carer or social worker can be invited but there will always be the opportunity for you to discuss your health in a private with the nurse. Anything you say is confidential.

We will talk about:

  • your general health – healthy eating, sleeping and exercise
  • medical appointments you attend or health concerns you have
  • immunisations, dental and optician appointments
  • education, work and any future aspirations
  • your emotional health and wellbeing
  • factors that may affect and influence your health, such as drugs, smoking, alcohol, peer pressure, bullying and keeping safe online
  • issues that can affect young people such as exploitation, gangs and anything you may have experienced personally
  • sexual health, as appropriate to you.

We will also offer to measure your height and weight.

You can add anything to your health assessment which you feel is right for you. We will complete a health action plan with you, to determine what help and support you may need.

What happens afterwards?

The health assessment is completed and copies will be sent to your social worker and GP. The health action plan that was developed with you will also be sent, and a copy will be sent to your parent, carer and you, to make sure your wishes, feelings and health needs are being met.

Useful contacts

Change 4 Life


Phone 0800 1111 or visit


Phone 111, visit or 

Red Cross 


Phone 116 123, email or visit

Sexual Health or


Phone 020 7593 1850 or visit

Young Addaction

Phone 01795 500881 or visit

Young Minds

Contact us

0300 123 4461

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

For initial health assessments (IHA) and initial adoption referrals (IAR):

RHA’s for all children placed in north and west Kent and Medway, or out of area but originally from north and west Kent and Medway:

RHA’s for all children placed in south and east Kent, or out of area but originally from south and east Kent:

For all children from another local authority placed into Kent and Medway referrals (IHA, RHA and adoption):

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