I have aphasia: A guide to my condition
Last edited: 15/0724
This does not affect my intelligence but means I have difficulty understanding and using language.
As a result I may find it difficult to:
- talk
- understand what you say to me
- read
- write
- use numbers.
These things mean I may have difficulty with everyday tasks such as:
- filling in forms
- answering the phone.
These strategies may help me to communicate:
- give me plenty of time to understand you and to get my message across
- talk to me in a relaxed, natural way. There is no need to shout or talk to me like a child
- use short, simple sentences, emphasising the most important word
- introduce a new topic slowly and clearly
- don’t assume you know what I want to say or finish my sentences for me
- use drawing or writing to help both of us
- re-cap what we have both said to check we have understood each other
- have a written copy of any discussion we have had and any other important information.
Contact us
0300 123 0785
Please complete our Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Service referral form or you can be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
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If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.