A guide for GPs about South East DriveAbility
Last edited: 22/11/2024
A guide for GPs about South East DriveAbility
About us
South East DriveAbility (SED) is a clinical service led by a consultant occupational therapist practitioner. SED is fully accredited by Driving Mobility and is based in Aylesford, Maidstone. Outreach services are currently offered in north and east Kent as well as East Sussex.
The assessment centre is fully accessible and offers a spacious waiting area, air conditioned assessment rooms, and ample client parking. A hearing loop is available to assist clients with a hearing impairment.
The centre is accessible by road, with good motorway links.
How can we help you?
As a GP, you will almost certainly be asked by patients whether it is safe to drive when they have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions. In addition, as licence holders are required to renew their driving licence when they turn 70 and every three years thereafter (or yearly/bi-yearly if under a medical licence), driving ability is likely to be a recurrent topic during patient consultation.
Some medical conditions, such as epilepsy or diabetes, are straightforward and assistance can be found in the DVLA at a Glance Guide for Medical Professionals (DVLA, 2024). However, some conditions are not straightforward and it may not be possible for you to advise whether it is safe to continue to drive.
SED offer advice and assessments for individuals who are unsure of their ability to learn to drive, or continue to drive after an illness or injury. Assessments are carried out by clinical driving advisors/occupational therapists and ADI driving advisors with experience in this field. In addition, all staff have carried out additional extensive training, including the University of Chester/Oxford Brookes University Driving Rehabilitation and Outdoor Mobility course at either professional or postgraduate certificate level or any other approved education programs as required by our governing body Driving Mobility.
We are able to carry out a thorough assessment of your patient’s visual, physical and cognitive ability to ascertain how their medical condition may affect their fitness to drive. We also have a fleet of dual controlled vehicles with manual and automatic transmissions, both with and without adaptations and, providing they have a valid driving licence and are medically fit to drive, a practical on-road drive will be carried out.
We will require a referral as a formal request to carry out an assessment. This can be one of our single-page referral forms, or a letter of referral which includes a brief medical history and the reason for the request including any concerns relating to driving. Once we have the referral, we will then contact the client for further information before being able to book an appointment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like a copy of our referral form.
What services are offered?
Assessments marked (£) will incur a charge. Please contact us for details.
SED accept referrals from the DVLA, Motability, health and social care professionals. Clients may also self-refer if they do not have a medical condition.
Driving ability assessment (£)
To ascertain whether an individual is safe to learn to drive or continue to drive.
We accept referrals from the DVLA, health and social care professionals (£) or self-referrals (£).
Adaptation assessment (£)
To advise on different methods of vehicle control following an illness or injury.
Clients should have no cognitive impairment to qualify for an adaptation assessment, as they will need to have the ability to learn a new skill.
Passenger assessment
For those who are experiencing difficulty accessing or travelling in a vehicle as a passenger.
Pre-assessment screen
A drive will not be carried out during this assessment.
The assessor will advise whether an on-road drive (£) is recommended at a later date. A charge will be made for the drive if this is carried out. Please note, if your client has a diagnosis of dementia, we would strongly advise a driving ability assessment.
Review assessment (£)
If the assessment team advise that a client should return after three, six or twelve months for a further drive, with a progressive condition.
Tuition or retraining (£)
This can only be offered after an assessment has been undertaken.
For provisional licence holders with a medical condition who need to pass the DSA Theory and Practical Tests or for existing licence holders who need further training in order to gain confidence after a break from driving or who are driving with a different method of control.
We are always happy to visit your surgery to provide a presentation as part of your in-service training programme. Alternatively, if you would like to visit the service you would be most welcome, please contact us to book.
Theory test support
Support and tuition for those with a learning disability or autism who are experiencing difficulty with the DSA Theory and Hazard Perception Tests.
Contact us
Phone: 0300 0134 886
Email: kcht.sedriveability@nhs.net
Visit: www.kentcht.nhs.uk/SED
Write to us:
South East DriveAbility
The First Floor
Aylesford Logistics Centre
Bellingham Way
ME20 6XS
This information should only be followed on the advice of a healthcare professional.
Do you have feedback about our health services?
0800 030 4550
Text 07899 903499
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Trinity House, 110-120 Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ
Donate today, and help the NHS go above and beyond. Visit kentcht.nhs.uk/icare
If you need communication support or this information in another format, please ask a member of staff or contact us using the details above.